I am in the process of upgrading our environment from to 10.2.400. As I am going through the documentation and after installing the latest version and upgrading one of the DB(Environments), I can not move forward with the application server update/registration as I do not see it in the Epicor Administration Console.
I get the following error with Unable to create Epicor Administration Snap-in. Unable to load Server Configuration File
Had similar weird things happen before. Uninstalling and re-installing fixed it. After uninstalling the key was to make sure you manually delete all of the files left over or when you re-install it can just have the same issues again (in my experience)
Uninstall administration console from programs and files on the server.
Delete all remaining file contents in folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Epicor ERP Administration Console”
Delete all remaining file contents in folder “C:\ProgramData\Epicor\AdministrationConsole”
Install admin console
Upon opening the admin console again, it’s completely empty with no databases or app servers registered so you have to re-register the databases and app servers.
Thank you for your reply. I did attempt all the above mentioned without success. it was giving me the following error:
Meanwhile, I also looked at the AdminConsolInstall file and noticed the that it was stating that the .NET Framework version v4.7.2 was required (I will review this as I did install). I did get a Custom Action Failed with code:‘1603’
Can you confirm what I should be seeing in the Server Manager Roles and Features? I was looking into the documentation and there was something about v4.7.2 appearing in Programs and Features, View installed updates as Update (KB4054590).
Yes windows server 2016. I downloaded the Web installer Runtime. Should it be the offline installer?
When I look at Features in the Server Manager, I see .NET Framework 4.6 Features… not .NET Framework 4.7 Features.
I did install .Net Framework 4.7.2, I guess I did expect to see it in the Roles and Features (ServerManager).
Unfortunately I have not been able to uninstall the EAC, keeps giving me the error 1001 as stated above. And as such I run repair, I still am unable to see the Application Server Management
Can you go to Event Viewer (you will find it somewhere on your Start Menu) then under Custom Views -> Administrative Events - see if you have some more exception details.
Actually I used the Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall (Troubleshooter), and it was able to uninstall the EAC. I have now reinstalled from beginning and I can see Server Management within EAC, but no Application server.
You can just register it back or you can go to C:\ProgramData\Epicor\AdministrationConsole and modify the XMLs if they still have the old version info in them just modify it to 3.2.400 and 10.2.400 wherever you see old version references. If the XMLs are empty then you just have to re-register it via Admin Console.
A Good note to anyone is make a backup of the AdministrationConsole folder before Major Upgrades, especially since sometimes the Admin Console is known to delete all your AppServers, had it happen 2x and I had 9 of them I had to re-register
I do not have anything in the Epicor.Mfg.Administration.ServerManagement.Configuration.xml, but I did back everything up and do have the previous xml which does contain the information
I was getting this same error, but I was not doing an upgrade. I confirmed no windows updates had been applied to the server and no other software changes had been made.
I backed up the C:\ProgramData\Epicor\AdministrationConsole folder then deleted the contents of the folder, 3 xml files.
EAC lauched w/o error.
I registered the database and existing application servers and everything and everything is working.
Wish I had seen this post before we had our issue as we did not back up the Admin Console folder before hand. We totally lost everything. Fortunately we had a whole server back up taken right before the upgrade began, so we were able to restore back to the beginning and start over but we lost several hours of upgrade activities. The second pass at the upgrade we did not have the issue and the AdminConsole installed correctly that time.