And is it okay to use the network path containing a “C$” to reference the C drive of a remote computer? Or should I create a share on that computer? (highlighted below)
Was there ever a solution to this? We are getting this exact same error for some reason and I have confirmed all the same checks to make sure the URL matches what we have on SQL Server. I can put the url in on our APP Server, SQL Server and my desktop and all seem to work and bring up Live/Pilot/Test report folder dir. This was working until recently when we started to try and start working with SSRS reports vs. Crystal which most are custom reports use currently. I was able to deploy the newer version if I unchecked SSRS but obviously we need to use SSRS reports with E10.
Hopefully this was already figured out but just not posted.
It turned out to be something rather stupid, which compounded upon deployment…
I had the path to SSRS (the field near the bottom of the SSRS tab in EAC) using ‘/’ , instead of ‘’. //servername/c$/.... was bad. Not only would the deployment fail, it would mess up the webconfig file.
\\servername\c$\.... worked. (After fixing the webconfig file too)
Post #5 shows it the right way. It still wasnt working after i changed it, UNTIL I fixed the webconfig file.
Thanks for the update, For us it actually turned out to be an issue with corrupt encryption keys for the SSRS reports DB. Epicor support wanted us to just restore our whole LIVE DB back to a date when it was working (3-4 days ago). It turns out we got a girl in support that was so far out of her comfort zone that she even started the call with a backup person on IM to assist. So long story short it took us about 45 min. to just re-install the SSRS report DB after deleting the old one (saved all our custom reports first) then we were back up and able to again deploy Report Services again. So what I think anyone that has used Epicor for more then 10 years knows already is make sure you get a second opinion if you end up with a inexperienced support agent especially when they give you the “ultimate fix” to restore everything back to a time when it did work. I am very sure if I had of told our accounting department what Epicor support had told us to do they all would have quit since it was month-end when this happened. On another note: thankfully we still use Crystal Reports and I was able to keep things going (quotes, invoices, shop travellers, etc.) by using the Crystal Report versions I still keep and some we still use instead of SSRS report due to complexities with the reports.
Is it normal for your executable files (.exe) to show with the Notepad icon?
Is your server is setup to always show file extensions in the File Manager?
I ask because the file displayed as “RSPortal” has type “Application”
the one that displays as “RSPortal.exe” may actually be RSPorta.exe.config, with files with the .config extension having Notepad as their default program.
Open “RSPortal.exe” (the one that looks like a notepad icon), and then hit CTRL+END. There might be info in that file it is just way off to the right side.
Calvin, I can’t tell if the issue is that reporting services were setup wrong on the SQL server or if the deployment is just failing because of a setting in the admin console… What is your take?
estaba funcionando todo sin inconvenientes…pero el dia de ayer se reinicio el servidor y desde ese momento tengo ese inconveniente …
no me cargaba el servicio del SQL server reporting service…emplace el archivo web.config
y luego se verifico y veo que tambien el RSportal.exe.config esta dañado…no tiene ninguna informacion