Everything wrong with Stock Status Report

I think it’s always a good time to bash the SSR. The title is from @ckrusen in this post. We had a fight over this yesterday here, so I thought I’d open some old wounds.

#1: It uses company (Part) settings and not Site (PartPlant) settings

Like quantity-bearing! Yikes, this is dumb! I'll spell it out, but this is obvious, right? We have two sites. Some parts (like small bolts and washers) are non-QB in the MFG plant but are QB in the service center. If the part is set as non-QB on the PART level, it is skipped on the SSR when we actually do have inventory quantity and value of the part. So even ignoring all the problems with costing, the quantity won't even be accurate!

#2: It ignores sales kits

I know, why would you have OH qty of a sales kit? Well, first, see point #1 above. And second, it is still possible anyway (have some OH as type M then change it to a kit). Sure, that's dumb, but it's still inventory on the books, so why not show it on the report!

#3: The SSR is not a subledger to the GL

I know. It’s not; it’s not meant to be; it’s a moment in time report. But let’s talk about why it is dangerous to trust this thing.

3a: You backdated the report

It lets you, but it's not supported. So there. But to spell it out, (1) the GL account of a part might change form one month to the next; (2) qty-bearing for the part can change from one day to the next; (3) costing changes happen.

3b: Backdated transactions

The advice is, run it at 11:59 PM on the last day of the month. Well, OK, but are we the only company that backdates shipments or receipts for September in the first few days of October? Now what do I do?

3c: You have more than one parts account

Inventory and expense, for example. But Jason, why do you have parts with OH qty coded to expense? (1) People mess up. (2) See #1 above.

3d: You buy a part to one GL account and issue it from another