We have a external BAQ setup pointing to some of our SQL views. When we run the BAQ we are getting two errors.
Below is a screenshot of the errors we are getting. Does anyone have any insight as to what is causing the errors? We changed the connection timeout parameter for the sql server to 0 inside of SSMS and we still get the time out error. Also If I set criteria on one of the view tables for a certain PartNum, the BAQ will show results for that PartNum.
Yes, when we select ‘new external query’ and then type in the connection info and click on the ‘test connection’ button it does say it connected successfully. Also when I click on ‘Analyze’ in the BAQ designer, it comes back and says ‘Syntax is OK’ so that makes me believe that the BAQ itself is ok.
You may have not Granted the Select permission on the view to the DB user that
Epicor uses.To test it just GRANT to public and see if it solves the problem.
You can later change it to the specific user that you need.
I ran the syntax against each of the views in SSMS that are in my BAQ, Tried running the BAQ again and got the same errors that were in my first post. But that was a good idea to try.
What tables your query look like?
I remember someone told me in an old thread on the Yahoo forum
…apparently there is a built in timeout value somewhere.
… so you can see random issues due to system response
… in his case when pulling a lot of data or complicated queries.
UPDATE: So I created a new BAQ and built it from the ground up and now the BAQ retruns records. I believe the granting access to the pubilc inside of SSMS fixed the issue. However my original BAQ for some reason still would not return results. My theory is the new BAQ I created was able to access the Views after I updated them. Hope this info helps someone else out. Thanks again to all for the help!!
2ndUPDATE - This problem actually isn’t resolved. Sometimes the BAQ will return records and other times it won’t and will give the 2 initial errors I keep getting. I am wondering if this is a server resource problem. I noticed epicor is extremely slow running on the server. I also noticed if I remove all of the views in the BAQ but one it will run ok, I then add in each additional view one at a time and link them, and it runs ok, which is very odd.