External Payroll Providers

Does anybody have any strong opinions on external Payroll providers? Both in terms of integration and satisfaction? Looking to move away from Epicor and just starting search for a replacement. I see several in Workato but don’t know much more than that. Also, any thoughts on Automation Studio versus the Epicor External Payroll module?

We tried Paycom and had a bad experience. We’re in the middle of moving to UKG (Kronos & UtiliPro merger) and are having a much better experience.

Both have a full API that will work with Workato, but I’ve not found a prepared recipe set for UKG yet. I know I’ve see one for Paycor, and that was another on our list of evaluations, but it fell short in other features for us.

Given my research, I’m confident that we’ll be able to create a two-way interface with Kientic to manager new employee hires, terminations, department/title changes, and to push time into UKG from LaborDtl. There are some caveats with that - timing, approvals, etc. - that we’re working on, and we decided that all ‘absence’ data will be put into UKG (PTO Requests and the like) and pushed to Kinetic which will keep everything simple and make sure the accrual balances are managed by UKG.

Hey Mike, thanks for your feedback. Ironically, I just heard about another company that’s planning to integrate UKG w/ Kinetic. Sounds like that one needs to make our short list.

We use UKG, we were (Kronos) before.
We just integrated UKG with Fidelity.

We haven’t explored integrating Kinetic & UKG.

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Like @MikeGross we also used Paycom in the past and have now switched to UKG. We have a basic API setup to push time from Epicor to UKG and others to check for bad data in either system. We don’t have a full two-way onboarding to termination process… maybe someday.


There are actually quite a few of us here.

Don’t they do that already? they are doing it for us - a full 360 integration.

Do I see a collaboration on our horizon?


Like the others, we use UKG but came up through the Ultipro branch.

They seem to have a good API and I’m intrigued by Microsoft Entra’s provisioning API that can on/off board employees from your trusted source, i.e. your HR/Payroll system.

Edit: Probably should have posted the basics here too:


If you are licensed then you can integrate with ADP out of the box.

I am stuuupid and can’t read. Totally missed your question… Sorry.

“Move away from Epicor”?? you mean totally or just from a payroll perspective.

What are the things that you are wanting to get or don’t get with the Epicor External Payroll module?

My opinion from an employees perspective, there are a few things that are a must.

  • Being able to view your payslips online.
  • Getting notifications when you have been paid
  • Being able to submit leave requests and get notifications of approvals.
  • Have your online payroll system account information accessible even after you have finished working for that particular company.

Attache Payroll fits all the bills there, as far as integration and Epicor, personally I have never integrated with it.

Do your employees enter in Time and Expenses to Epicor or do they use a Third party for this that is already integrated via (Workato as an example) already?

I love that we got some serious talent on the UKG side as well. Maybe we all go to their conference one year and show 'em how it’s done.

Have you played with that at all? I was planning this as well, but via Workato, so this would simplify things greatly.

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I’m sorry. We didn’t do it.

We had it done lol.

Sad Kid GIF

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New York No GIF by HULU
That would require cooperation from IT Admin and HR… :sob:

Cant See Cheech Marin GIF

:dumpster_fire: :dumpster_fire:


Hahaha! Thank you all for adding some laughs at the end of a tough week. Not moving away from Epicor, just Epicor Payroll because there’s a desire for many of the items @Hally listed. The thought is that there are companies who specialize in this so let them do their thing while Epicor does what it’s best at. Thanks for all the good feedback! I’ll add on more info as the search progresses.

Yes, we are not interested in using Epicor for time or payroll at the moment.

I was recently asked about the time part, which we may discuss, but that guy is new and doesn’t know a lot yet :rofl:

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I didn’t see any integrations for Kinetic and Paylocity (we used to be on Paycor)…not sure we’d use even if available though.

If you are using Kinetic for services, eg. Consulting services and you are using the project management module, and you invoice out of Epicor, you need to consider that part of the process as well, getting time data into epicor against the right jobs…

Maybe I’m over complicating it, but my experience using Kinetic to enter in time sheets for this type of thing is rather combersome… At least with out of the box UI… Hmmmm maybe time to revisit it :thinking:

And hey this response might be way off the mark…

I agree that the T&E screen is cumbersome, but it does allow for proper record keeping along with some notes and QTY recording if it’s needed. It’s universal, which means its cumbersome for everyone :wink:

We’ve found that out Project labor will be easier by fabricating the Labordtl lines. I may bring them in via DMT, or by REST - not sure yet.

I spoke too soon.

Was asked this morning if we could export available overtime from UKG into Epicor where users could sign up for it and potentially have it pushed back as well.