Anyone else quite annoyed with the amount of things that the upgrades (both official and on the sly) break? lost track of the amount of things we’re having to spend weeks fighting our way to even explain to support let alone get fixed
the FTP now holds files open… their solution… do a work around!
BAQ’s linked to Kinetic crash people’s clients after the latest upgrade… solution, delete and re add!
DMT for Global link was broken last major patch, intended fix for a fix next patch still does not work, their official “known issues” is not updated to reflect.
Yeah, I suspect many of the upgrade issues are due to the K11 project being just a little “bigger” than Epicor anticipated
I assume Epicor will launch an initiative to restore faith in their upgrades at some point… just can’t improve things too much… yet.
And why I prefer to wait at least a year or two before committing too much energy to major new versions.
FTP? In Kinetic? I’m surprised there are requirements to FTP anything anymore since there are much more secure methods today.
And I agree with you Michael, the whole industry is taking a with this velocity thing. It’s the software equivalent of shipping $1M each month. And I include all developers, including myself, in this assessment. Devs are quick to make changes on-the-fly to please users/customers but end up making an unmanageable mess by thinking only of the present and not the maintenance and upkeep in the future. We devs love to build but not really good at change or even eliminating our solutions. It’s a tough culture to change.
There’s another cloud based labeling solution called Loftware that a lot of big names are using. Dan Winckelmann, who used to rep Epicor works there. I have yet to take him up on a demo, but I bet since it’s cloud based it would work well for Kinetic Cloud… Plus automation studio could maybe be in play here too in order to help connect the two systems…
I second their (Bartender’s) web services, it’s cool to see them stepping up in this space, but there are a few things I don’t like about it as well. I have been using their web services in an integration I built and haven’t had a problem with it in terms of down time or failures. We are on prem though.
Utah, We have used Loftware for years. It has it’s good points and it’s bad points. We are still on prem with Loftware but will be looking at the Cloud solution soon. Any info you could send my way with regards to the Loftware Cloud solution would be great. And yes we use FTP with Loftware and being on Kinetic Cloud. Hoping the Loftware Cloud solution has a way to get rid of the need for FTP. Also I was hoping to hear more good about Bartender. That was another solution I was going to see if it could replace my old Loftware.
Hi Mark, maybe you remember me from the MI users group and Insights a few years ago. I am now in Texas, managing an IT department and Epicor. I have seen your comments regarding an On-Prem vs Hosted solution. When I joined Tige, they were already on a Single Tenant Hosted solution and we need to move from this solution to either an On-Prem or Public Cloud solution when I upgrade them to the latest Kinetic version late next year. I have had an On-Prem solution when I was at Porter, and I liked the control I had over updates, etc., but I have limited expertise here (I know enough to be dangerous, but am not an expert) I would really appreciate any input you could provide on one solution vs the other. Appreciate your feedback.
Anyone else have problems with disappearing UD column maps? I swear those break every single time Epicor updates. We have a half dozen of them-all used for the same process-and at least one seems to disconnect after every single update.
Exactly. For me, I would never allow production ERP to be in a cloud service, production is just too important to leave up to the whims of some random developer who knows nothing about our business. Nor would I ever accept a job offer to manage Epicor cloud. It’s a losing battle all around. I wrote our CAM a very long explanation saying exactly that, asking him to please stop sending me cloud anything.
I would prefer never allowing production ERP to be joined to Active Directory. Production is just too important to leave it up to the weakness of perimeter security.
On prem school networks are getting rocked this week, an prem hospital system in France last week.
It’s not cloud or on-prem, it’s identity-based security vs. perimeter. Get your Zero Trust on people! Adversaries don’t break in, they log in.
Mark this thread isn’t discussing security concerns; it is about a 3rd party forcing changes on you that break things, and break them on their schedule instead of when it fits well with production. On-prem updates can be applied as needed or rolled back as needed. Cloud is basically “F U, this is how its going to be now bro, sorry we broke half your setup”
Epicor SaaS can certainly be “this is how it’s going to be now”. You can pay for Epicor’s Enterprise SaaS which allows you to defer upgrades for over a year. It’s pricey, but available.
With an Azure subscription, one can avoid the “F U”, add extra security (Proxy, Front Door, etc.), and segment the system from local breaches, and be able to increase (OR decrease!) capacity without waiting for hardware in this supply-chain nightmare.