Frideas for 19 April 2024

On Friday, it’s EpiUsers Frideas Day! Have you been to the Epicor Ideas Portal recently? If so, are there some ideas you want to encourage other users to vote for? Maybe want to add comments to an existing idea? Election season is upon a large percentage of the globe, so VOTE.

It’s Friday (in the Pacific zone anyway), and time to get your votes in!!!

We’ll start out with a regression from the classic client:

View parameters for scheduled tasks and process sets


Dedicated Account Login for Epicare Support - KIN-I-3445


  • When trying to give Epicor Support access to our live or pilot environment, they don’t always receive the automated email to gain access.
  • If/when they do gain access, it takes up a user seat, which exceeds our max and locks some users out.

Possible Solutions:

  • Epicor fixes the issue with their support team receiving email to access an environment, or they create some sort of dedicated support account (with the proper security measures in place).
  • Epicor adjusts the concurrent user logic so when someone from Epicor support is in our environment, they do not take up a user seat.

Supplier Performance Reporting - KIN-I-4795

There should be more robust supplier performance reports that come standard in Kinetic. Some examples of metrics to consider: percentage of PO lines on time relative to lead time, rejected/defective/incorrect parts, shipments to wrong address, cost increases over time.

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I’m so confused lol. What time zone are you in where April 18th 2024 is a Friday?

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@Hally, what is the date where you are? :thinking:

Hahahaha, I thought today was the 17th! I’m a moron.


True, on any date.

I live in the alternate Universe…Some call it Australia… At least some days it feels like it :slight_smile:

Replying as a Friday 19th of April 10:45am according to my computer

Now Talking of Upvoting…
Please upvote this one. It is a serious pain for our users…

RMA sales kit parents - ERP-I-155

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Why are your maps upside-down?!

Just kidding. I try to explain to my kids that north isn’t exactly “up.” Just on our maps it is.

So… how does the compass point on your “sat nav” (i.e. Google Maps or whatever you use for navigation). Is South pointing up?

An older one of mine that I don’t see that I have ever shared:

The standard cost of a part is absurdly hard to find for a normal user:


The account could even have a separate flag to turn the account on and off. That way, they can only use it when you let them.

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Yeah I have to turn my phone upside down to make it work properly. :grin:

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Man, I am sorry. That is fairly ignorant on our behalf.


KIN-I-4813 - Add Changed By, Changed Date, Created Date, Created By to Every Table



Why does nobody else want this?

or this?

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I won’t vote for it because that is not best practice. There is too much room for financial error for public companies that must adhere to GAAP and SOX. Plus, you can use the picked orders functionality with a pack out warehouse to do the same thing.


If you work for a public company, creating a Pack Slip early is a big time no-no. That goes against GAAP. The ship date is used for recognition methods, and if the pack slip has the wrong date, you have the chance of overstating your sales for that period.

At my first job, for a major corporation, I worked in Internal Audit and every quarter end, we had to audit the warehouses to make sure they were not pulling any shenanigans. Most companies measure performance by how much was shipped out in a period. That sometimes means bonuses are on the line. So people get creative in their ways to get more shipments on the books. Cut some pack slips and don’t ship anything, then just reverse them in the new period. Or cut some pack slips and just leave the goods on the yard in a container to deliver another day. You would be surprised. So, if you are cutting packing slips early in a public company, you will get fired if found out.

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@jkane I think we are both talking about making the Pack, but NOT marking it as shipped. The Shipment is never counted until the day it actually ships.

I agree with Mike, and I have seen the shenanigans that John is talking about. One year (a long, long time ago), the shop filled the company truck with inventory and drove it around all day to make the value look lower. :person_facepalming: The Controller caught them and wrote them up.