We have three different computers running the gateway program.
One was a Dell ProLinea workstation running NT4 workstation (SP6a). It kept
getting the bfblnd error. We upgraded the OS to Win2k, but no change - we
still got the bfblnd errors.
The other two computers were older Dell OptiPlex GXpro running Win95; they
never had errors but employees at these clocks only punched in and out for
payroll, not jobs, so I figured they had less strain on the system, hence no
Then we traded in the Win95 machines, for Gateway E-3200s running Win2k and
guess what??!! We start getting bfblnd errors on those machines. So I
think, "AHA! I'll downgrade the Dell machine to Win95" (not a simple task,
btw). So now I don't get the bfblnd error on that machine, but I do have
the system telling employees that have already clocked-in that they are not
clocked-in, even though it may have accepted another transaction with their
employee number only moments ago.
We are looking seriously at giving up on the TT-5 data collection system.
Sorry to do that to you others that are using it; there goes roughly 25% of
the customer base that is currently using the module!
Good luck!
Steve Sanders
Delta Centrifugal Corp.
-----Original Message-----
From: Darren Mann [mailto:dmann@...]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 8:55 AM
To: Vantage User Group (E-mail)
Subject: [Vantage] FW: Progress Error bfblnd -- no ar active (2)
To all TT5 users getting this error:
I just wanted to run this stuff by you to see if anything may be common to
those of us experiencing this error. They may have contacted others but
just wanted to keep everyone in the loop. Maybe take time to answer the
questions if you haven't already done so. Thanks.
Darren Mann
Miller Products Co.
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We have three different computers running the gateway program.
One was a Dell ProLinea workstation running NT4 workstation (SP6a). It kept
getting the bfblnd error. We upgraded the OS to Win2k, but no change - we
still got the bfblnd errors.
The other two computers were older Dell OptiPlex GXpro running Win95; they
never had errors but employees at these clocks only punched in and out for
payroll, not jobs, so I figured they had less strain on the system, hence no
Then we traded in the Win95 machines, for Gateway E-3200s running Win2k and
guess what??!! We start getting bfblnd errors on those machines. So I
think, "AHA! I'll downgrade the Dell machine to Win95" (not a simple task,
btw). So now I don't get the bfblnd error on that machine, but I do have
the system telling employees that have already clocked-in that they are not
clocked-in, even though it may have accepted another transaction with their
employee number only moments ago.
We are looking seriously at giving up on the TT-5 data collection system.
Sorry to do that to you others that are using it; there goes roughly 25% of
the customer base that is currently using the module!
Good luck!
Steve Sanders
Delta Centrifugal Corp.
-----Original Message-----
From: Darren Mann [mailto:dmann@...]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 8:55 AM
To: Vantage User Group (E-mail)
Subject: [Vantage] FW: Progress Error bfblnd -- no ar active (2)
To all TT5 users getting this error:
I just wanted to run this stuff by you to see if anything may be common to
those of us experiencing this error. They may have contacted others but
just wanted to keep everyone in the loop. Maybe take time to answer the
questions if you haven't already done so. Thanks.
Darren Mann
Miller Products Co.
> -----Original Message-----eGroups Sponsor
> From: Steve Graham [mailto:scgraham@...]
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 12:06 PM
> To: 'Darren Mann'
> Subject: RE: Progress Error bfblnd -- no ar active (2)
> Darren, in discussions with Progress Technical Support the
> feeling is that
> the error is coming from a very low system level. It may be
> specific to the
> machine hardware, bios level, or drivers.
> The MSD listing from your NT server being used as the Gateway machine
> doesn't list the Manufacturer, it just lists AT/AT
> <Unavailable>, BIOS DATE 04/06/98.
> A couple of additional questions:
> 1) What is the Mfg Name for the NT Server manchine?
> 2) Would you have an extra PC (from a name brand Mfg) that
> could be used as
> the Gateway workstation, rather than using the server?
> Switching physical
> machines would help rule out a hardware problem.
> 3)If you don't have an extra PC, would you be open to using an Epicor
> loaner, already setup as a Gateway workstation?
> 4) Also, please check the Temp and VntgWork directories on
> the Gateway NT
> Server for any PROTRACE or PROCORE files. These may have
> been generated by
> the Progress client at the time of error. If found would you
> send them to
> me.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Darren Mann [mailto:dmann@...]
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 7:15 AM
> To: Steve Graham
> Subject: RE: Progress Error bfblnd -- no ar active (2)
> Steve,
> The Gateway Workstation IS a NT Server. We have one TT5
> connected to one
> TNET controller.
> Regards,
> Darren Mann
> Miller Products Co.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Steve Graham [mailto:scgraham@...]
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 12:05 PM
> > To: 'Darren Mann'
> > Subject: RE: Progress Error bfblnd -- no ar active (2)
> >
> >
> > Thanks Darren. A couple of other requests. Can you send me
> > a MSD Report
> > generated from the Gateway Workstation? (I think the one
> > previously sent was
> > generated from the NT Server) Also, how many TT5 keypad
> > devices do you have
> > connected to the one TNET controller? Thanks.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Darren Mann [mailto:dmann@...]
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 10:22 AM
> > To: Steve Graham
> > Subject: RE: Progress Error bfblnd -- no ar active (2)
> >
> >
> > Hi Steve,
> >
> > Included is the MSD report and answers to your questions:
> >
> > > 1) Is the Progress and Vantage software installed on the Gateway
> > > workstation's local drive?
> > YES
> >
> > > 2) How many TNet controller's and TT5 devices do you
> currently have?
> > ONE Each
> >
> > > 3) How often do you experience the error?
> > Until I received the last update to the Gateway from Ben
> Nixon, it was
> > happening every weekend after some inactivity. Now, with the
> > last update I
> > received it has gotten more frequent and happens throughout
> the week -
> > Fridays, Mondays, and yesterday.
> >
> > > 4) Do you see any pattern to the error? For example: it
> > > always seems to happen between midnight and 6:00 AM during
> > periods of
> > > inactivity. Or any
> > > other type of pattern.
> > No pattern after last Gateway update.
> >
> > > 5) Would you be willing to test using a executable that would
> > > have program
> > > debug code imbedded in it?
> > If it fixes the problem, YES!
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Darren Mann
> > Miller Products Co.
> >
> >
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