Handheld Login Screen

Trying to adjust the height of the login screen for the handheld and it keeps on reverting back to the original height even though I have update the menu with the correct customization.

Does anyone have any ideas?

I have been able to do it for other forms, haven’t tried it for the menu dialog yet, I suspect I might have the same issue.

Do customizations take effect prior to a valid session?

Sorry, I don’t quite follow? I know if I go into developer mode and select the customisation is shows correctly. If I add a different tittle to the form it shows outside of developer mode, but the screen stays the same…Pics to follow.

Oops. I should say I can change the Title and the height of the form in developer mode and save


Modify the menu to use the customisation

Then when I log out of Epicor and back in and run I get the orginal form.

When I load the customization through developer mode I see the title but the height has reverted back

The Title shows, but the height has not changed.

I’m assuming I’m going to have to override the height property in the form Load?

I have to say I have seen a few posts around this and it is a bit confusing, Editing the sysconfig, changing scale, adding code etc. I have yet to see a concise document anywhere on this topic…or perhaps this is one of those buried in the Help :thinking:

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I was just spit balling … Since the most obvious difference would be that the Login screen appears before you’re logged in.

But if other customizations of the login screen work, then that’s not it.

Maybe the guy that made the serach window (which doesn’t save its size changes) made the login form too :wink:

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Or have you logged in? The application runs under your user account which at that point I thought would have logged in, because you are actually entering your employeeid which is linked to the userid…

Interestingly if you click ESC you still get the Epicor Handheld menu and then have to exit from there.

I really shouldn’t have chimed in, as I’m unfamiliar with Epicor Handheld.

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All good @ckrusen. I can use all the help I can get.

So turns out the guid on the form changes so customisations get lost. I think this also happens for the buttons on the menu form as well, I tried to change the size and location of the buttons and they reverted back to their orginal after saving and closing.

From speaking to other people I know the Epicor HH adjusting screen sizes etc isn’t possible on some screens. Then again for the things we do we have looked outside the Epicor box so to speak and have also looked at a company called BiscIT…https://www.biscit.com.au/
Depending on your needs you could look at them.

Wasn’t there a thread a year or so ago that talked about traversing a form’s elements/controls hierarchy? Maybe you can have code to “find” the GUID of the form based on some selection criteria (like object type). and then set those object’s properties.

Edit: Here’s the post

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@Hally set the dimensions in Code. On Form_Load does that work?

Tried hhform.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(X,X);
Code just disappears when you save close and reopen the form.

@ckrusen Love your idea,but I have to agree with @Rich. This sort of thing should be stomped on and it should go through the right channels. You can’t improve product if workarounds keep being used, and the developers aren’t given the opportunity to at least know about the issue…:thinking: Perhaps they have and it just hasn’t made it up the priority list. I get that too.

We (Bracalente Manufacturing Company) have been live with the BISCit android-based handheld solution for about a month now and are VERY happy with their product. It’s light years ahead of the stale Epicor handheld product. The company is very responsive. Happy to show/share the system with anyone who is interested. It works on 10.1.5 and above. We are on 10.1.6 going to 10.2.300


This issue, among others, is a huge reason I decided to home brew a native Android app.


much agreed… the redo of their hand held system is nowhere in sight and us little guys have no access to build this yet in kinetix… and some of us just can’t wait for them. Kudos @hmwillett Been there done that.


If I had the time I would have too, but that’s the way it is :neutral_face:

Yep - waiting for some of that Kinetic access myself

And it doesn’t have to be the full SDK, just the Kinetic Design Specs might keep customers from wasting time going down a path that could change later.

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Ewwww that’s awesome! Demo, Demo!