How can you change a scrap qty if the labor record in time and expense is no longer reacallable?

How can you change a scrap qty if the labor record in time and expense is no longer reacallable?
Finance runs Capture COS/WIP every week. This results in situations where the labor record in Time & Expense cannot be recalled to adjust the scrap qty when errors have been made. This is for scrap not NCR/DMR.

A few things we have tried:

Not allowed to enter a negative scrap qty from MES

Not allowed to enter a negative scrap qty from a new Time & Expense detail record.

Cannot adjust scrap qty from Job Adjust.

Does anyone know a way to adjust the scrap qty in an operation if labor has already been pulled? We are a foundry so we experience a fair amount of scrap. Would LOVE to find a way to adjust scrap qtys.

Thank you for your help.

I don’t have a definitive answer for you, but in the help file for capture cos/wip, I found these little tidbits:

Important: To keep your COS and WIP values accurate, you should run this process at regular intervals. Epicor recommends you run the Capture COS/WIP Activity at least once each fiscal period - just before you close the period in the GL book.

Tip: You can simulate this functionality using the WIP report, the Sales Gross Margin report, and the Inventory/WIP Reconciliation report. These reports attempt to determine COS and WIP using the latest information in the database. Because all costs have not posted to jobs, these reports do not necessarily display accurate, final manufacturing (PartTran MFG-VAR records) variances.

So based on this, I would say, consider that you may not need to run capture cos every week. Perhaps your finance group can get what they need by simulating the capture cos process, and then only run it at the end of a period. It is better to give yourself some time to verify the jobs are correct and updated with all the details before you close it. Once a job is closed and the costs captured to GL, things start to get sticky.

Overall, the best bet is to get your data right before you close the job. I hope someone else has a better answer for you! Good luck!

What is the issue you are trying to solve? Why are you wanting to adjust scrap quantities? If you can provide some more information as to the what and why, we might be able to come up with some out of the box ideas to address the business problem.

For the first half of our operations there is no value in doing the administrative work of processing and NCR/DMR to scrap a part. After metal is poured and the molds are knocked out we have actual parts. We do use NCR/DMR after we have metal parts. Prior to that the operators can scrap parts. Operators make errors and we need to correct the errors to track actual scrap and scrap costs and efficiency. We do have some user defined fileds and BPMs that track the scrap qty and scrap costs. I am looking for a way to make corrections to scrap qty when the labor detail record can no longer be recalled. Our manufacturing leadtime is 8-12 weeks so planners may not always catch the errors before labor gets pulled by finance.

Finance is pretty firm about the timing on this. The problem is that we cannot always get the qtys correct before labor is captured even though the jobs are not closed.

I do not believe you have to update the scrap as the costing will come out correct no matter what. Scrapping does not do anything on a job (if I am remembering correctly). All it really does is say you have fallout. But you can accomplish the same thing by only reporting the good quantities. The difference between how many went into the operation and how many were completed is the scrap.

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