How To: Dashboard Charts

Data Discovery Variation

How To: Dashboard Charts - Experts’ Corner - Epicor User Help Forum (
Do this one :point_up:t2:

Image-Charts Variation

This one is more hacky, but neat.

neat GIF

Well, after playing with this for a bit, I have one solution for getting charts in dashboards (or elsewhere).
@josecgomez is going to waltz in here yakking about getting Data Discovery to work. WHATEVER JOSE. My way is still neat. I was also lazy/annoyed at the DataTable.ViewChanged trigger not working, so this hinges off of a button at the moment.

Let’s get into it!

Do your thing to create a dashboard/app/whatever; I’m not going to get into that as there are other posts you can follow.

First up–add 2 new DataViews.

cdv_Chart to bind the URL to

cdv_Tracker to bind the tracker fields to

Add yourself a panel card with a column in it, then drag the Website Widget from the Widgets tab of the Tools and set the URL to the name of the dataview you created and a column called URL (or similar).
Throw a button on the form to trigger it as well.

Add a combo box to hold the different chart types.
Bind it to your tracker dataview cdv_Tracker.ChartType

Set the Text Field to display and the Value Field to value.

Combo > List

Add the following:

Display Value
Vertical Bar bvs
Pie p
Line ls
Horizontal Bar bhs


Next, create the Function:

Author: Hannah Willett
Date: 06/29/2023

Documentation located here:

There are numerous other parameters you can add to the URL string to do various things.

const string BASEURL = @"";
this.OutURL = BASEURL;

List<string> rowVals = new List<string>();
List<string> colVals = new List<string>();

foreach(DataRow r in InDS.Tables[this.InTableName].Rows)

// Get the unique headers from the InColName
var headers = colVals.Distinct();

IDictionary<string, int> values = new Dictionary<string, int>();

// Add those headers to a dictionary with a value of zero for each
foreach(var header in headers)

// Aggregates the data row
foreach(DataRow r in InDS.Tables[this.InTableName].Rows)
  if( this.InSumType.Equals("Count") )
  else if( this.InSumType.Equals("Sum") )
    values[r[this.InColName].ToString()] += Convert.ToInt32(r[this.InRowName.ToString()]);

List<string> dataList = new List<string>();
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in values)

// Data
this.OutURL += "?chd=a:";
this.OutURL += string.Join(",", dataList);

// Axis Labels
this.OutURL += "&chxl=0:|";
this.OutURL += string.Join("|", headers);

// chdlp = legend location
// chs = chart size
// cht = chart type
this.OutURL += string.Format("&chdlp=b&chs=800x500&cht={0}",this.InChartType);

//  chxt = display values on axis line or change which axes are shown
this.OutURL += "&chxt=";
if( this.InChartType.Equals("bhs") )
  this.OutURL += "y,x";
  this.OutURL += "x,y";

// Legend Labels
this.OutURL += "&chdl=";
if( this.InChartType.Equals("p") )
  this.OutURL += string.Join("|", headers);
  this.OutURL += this.InColName;

Add a button click event to the button you just added; we’re going to configure that next.

Here’s the configuration for the REST widget:

Service Name: Empty! Don’t need it.
Service Operation: PieChart (this is the name of your function)


Call Options

API Key Empty–not needed since it’s internal.
ERP Functions Library Chart (this is the library name)

Method Parameters

InTableName Customer–this can be whatever. It’s just the name you’re giving to the table in the DS
InRowName Customer_CustID–this is the column name from your BAQ that you want to aggregate–count in this instance
InColName Customer_State–this is the column name from your BAQ that you want to graph by
InChartType {cdv_Tracker.ChartType}–this is bound to the list box we made holding the different chart types
InSumType Count–this will use count as the aggregate. The other option is Sum right now.


ERP Rest Args > Request Params

Parameter Path InDS–this is the name of the dataset input param from your function
Parameter Name Customer–this is the same as the InTableName value
View Name PartType–name of the view holding the data in Kinetic. Mine is technically customer-based, but I was using this for something else and was too lazy to refactor everything, but it’s going to be whatever view your grid is bound to.

ERP Rest Args > Request Params > Dataset

Dataset Id PartType–this is the same as the View Name from above


Response Params


Finally, add a row-update that sets cdv_Chart.URL to "{actionResult.OutURL}"

Give it a test. Assuming I didn’t forget a step, you should get some charting magic!


Solution File

DashboardCharts_Customer (14.5 KB)

This should have the BAQ, Custom App, and Function

Charts made with: Image-Charts - Static image chart interactive generator


Small disclaimer: the function is pretty basic. It could be fleshed out into something better. Probably. #SuperGoodEnough

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Epicor Data Discover Variation

Proooooooobably what you should do, but the other one was more fun?

Create your Exploration View in EDD

Add a panel card, column and Data Discovery Chart.

Click the Pub Sub Setup on the properties of the EDD Widget.

Add a new filter.

Subscriber This is the column your data is going to be filtered by in the BAQ
Publisher This is the field being pushed to the filter. Here’s a note, however–the fields at the bottom, bound to your dataview will publish when you click a line from the grid which is going to exclude “All”. To skirt around this, I set mine to CallContextBpmData.Character01 and set the field in an event.

Here’s my filter field. Yes–it says Part_PartNum, but is actually the sales rep. Again–I was too lazy to refactor it.

Create an event to trigger off of your filter field changing.

Type DataTable
Hook Column Changed
Target cdv_Tracker (the dataview your filter field is bound to)
Columns Part_PartNum (the column your filter field is bound to)

Then use a row-update to set the callContext to your field’s binding.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd charting!


This is now… charted territory.

Csi Miami Sunglasses GIF


I knew you’d see reason eventually!

Evil Villain GIF

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Seal Of Approval Thumbs Up GIF

Sag 2020 GIF by SAG Awards

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This is pretty wild, but also I think a good example of how you can embed virtually anything you want if you have some web development skill or are using a cloud service that supports embedding using the web widget. Everything we do in data discovery embedding is essentially achievable via that widget with your custom web applications. Say you want to build a really custom visual - you could absolutely do something like this and use a more advanced visualization kit like Plot Gallery / Observable | Observable, etc.


I don’t see Data Discovery widgets as an option. Any idea why that might be?

Is it installed?

Well… I was just looking into that. Perhaps because I’m SaaS? Its not installed locally.

It’s installed in the Admin Console.
Not sure on the Cloud front. I’m not much of a meteorologist. :cloud_with_rain:

It’s on mine, I can see it.

I guess I’ll have to wait until they open this up to Cloud customers.


Having trouble reading? :rofl:

no… just not paying attention to new comments while searching for my “sad walk” gif. haha. I guess I have more research to do to figure out why I can’t see those widgets.

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I wonder if there is a license you need ? :thinking:

I don’t have the EDD Premium… do you?

Just checked, I do, but I have no idea if that’s needed.

No, you don’t.
Premium is a waste of money anyways.

I’ll enter a ticket, I guess… see what they say. Apologies @hmwillett, for cluttering up your very informative post.