How to determine which adapter to use for specific table

I am trying to determine which adapter to use to access a specific table (OpDtl) in a customization. In a BPM I could query it straight from the DB.

  1. How do I figure which adapters to use for specific tables?
  2. Is it possible that adapters don’t exist for every table? If so, what is the workaround?
  3. Is there a document besides ERP Object Reference with similar info. I have found most of the documentation doesn’t match the object.

And since I’m asking so many questions already I’ll add:
Is there a way to call a standard SQL query (like a BAQ) without actually having a physical BAQ?

Use Trace, do the operation in the UI and see what the trace does

Yes there are some secondary tables that can’t be directly queried via the adapters. You can use a BAQ for that :slight_smile:

pinches cheek you are so cute! Documentation he says…

There is a JobOperSearchAdapter you can use to query some JobOper Details… but your best bet is going to be a BAQ. IT will be faster and contain only the data you want.

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I think you are most likely right (per usual) that a BAQ will stop my hair pulling fit I am having.

I did try the trace but it just give me that dang WorkQueue adapter which forces me to do things I don’t like (and can’t do)

Re: JobOperSearchAdapter - It was almost there. It didn’t give me the ResourceID of the op though :frowning: Boooo!

I did even try to dig into the assemblies to maybe try some of your magical reflection. I wont say I couldn’t do it, but I am limiting myself to 45 minutes of playing since you have offered a better alternative.

Thanks for your input and meme - both are appreciated :slight_smile:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the staff and users!

Jose nailed the normal approach for discovery. Trace the form that contains the data of interest. If not present, fall back to a BAQ. Looking at future approaches but that is best for now :slight_smile: