How to freeze part transactions for Inventory Count

We are doing an Inventory Count and would like to freeze part transactions during the count so that when we make the reconciliation adjustments the QOH in the system matches the sheets. My thought was to simply make QOH (PartBin.OnHandQty) a read-only field for all users until we’re ready to make the adjustments, but that does not appear to prevent receipts into stock. Can anyone suggest what I should change to ‘freeze’ adjustments to Part QOH?

Are you using the Epicor Physical/Cycle Count system?

If so, Epicor takes a snap-shot of your inventory when it “freezes.” It does not prevent transactions from occurring. Instead, it will compare your counted quantity with the snap-shot quantity and if different generate a delta transaction to make the correction. When you post the inventory, Epicor will post those deltas to whatever values are in place at that time.

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Mark: no we’re not using Epicor’s functionality. We’re planning to simply make the adjustment manually as needed.

You might be able to do the same. Do a BAQ to copy the PartBin records (remember lot/serial #s), do your count then apply adjustments at the end based on the delta.

Do you know of a way to freeze quantity adjustments until we’re ready to make a delta transaction (adjustment)?

The only way I could think of doing it is to inactivate all users and enable a read-only user. :man_shrugging:

Quite late to the party but this is a pretty good way! In-Transaction Data Directive on PartTran
