Epicor 10.2.500.14, using C#
We have a customization on Customer Shipment Entry and we want to get the selected serial numbers from the Select Serial Numbers form. My idea would be from the BeforeAdapterMethod: UpdateMaster but I could not come up with a working process.
Hi Anito,
My suggestion is if the user saves after selecting SN. You can get the selected Serial Number from Table ERP.SerialNo where SerialNo.SNStatus = ‘PACKED’ and join with ERP.ShipDtl where SerialNo.PackNum = ShipDtl.PackNum and SerialNo.PackLine = ShipDtl.PackLine and SerialNo.Company = ShipDtl.Company. I think this is easier.
Best Regards,
Raymond Hianjaya
Yes, I got that part before, but the problem is before the save. There are processes before the save like if the warehouse\bin is wrong that if something is wrong with a lot or serial numbers
Just wanted to share my solution that worked.
I ended up doing a customization where I call a BAQ for SNs from the whse\bin with status ‘INVENTORY’ and let the user to select (ultragrid with checkboxes). Save the selected SNs to a datatable, pass the datable to a procedure, and have the adapter add it to its selected serial numbers.
For Inventory Transfer:
string sn = dr[“SerialNumber”].ToString();
bject drSN =adInvTransfer.InvTransferData.SelectedSerialNumbers.AddSelectedSerialNumbersRow …
For Customer Shipment:
object drSN =adVMIShip.CustShipData.SelectedSerialNumbers.AddSelectedSerialNumbersRow …
We needed to have an inventory transfer from our whse\bin to vendor-managed whse\bin and ship it from there.