How to import Mass Serial Number (receipt/shipping/job)?

One question that came up at everyone’s favorite customer led session titled “Using Epicor to Track Serialized Parts on a Job,” held on Wednesday 5/17/23 @ 1:20 PM in the Lagoon H, was

“How to do mass import/creation/move/ship/re of serial numbers?”

Here is the link to the Mass Serial Number import that EmbedTek has been using.
Entering Mass range of Serial Numbers in Customer Shipment Entry - ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum (

This is not a recommendation to go down this path today in 2023, as this is solution is outdated and the code will need to be uplifted into Kinetic sooner, rather than later


If I were tasked with implementing this feature today. I would convert the subroutine into a function that runs by passing in a dataview.

Lucky for us, @aarong has a post that will help us get there quicker. Might even be cooler as his post does an import of a CSV file as well.

Kinetic - Looping through rows - SelectSerialNumbersEntry - Kinetic 202X - Epicor User Help Forum (

Most of the work to get this into a function is already started in these two posts.

Uplifting this customization would be a great technical deep dive topic for next year!!!