Image on Job Traveler

Hi Everyone!

i have customised our job traveler and it works as expected, very simple but to the point data!

the problem? i can not work out how to add the image chosen in the product configurator to be displayed on the job traveler.
has anyone had any success with this?

I haven’t tried it yet, but this post might be helpful:

Do you use image layers with you configurator or just a single image?

Hi Simon, its a Kinetic Configurator, there is a picturebox and then a line of code which selects the picture based on what values are chosen in a couple of combo boxes

            vBends = await PCLookUp.DataLookup("CFG-FLASH-PROFILE", "Bends", Inputs.Profile_cmb.Value);

            string vImageColumn = string.Empty;

            if(Inputs.SafetyEdge_cmb.Value == "None") vImageColumn = "Image0";
            if(Inputs.SafetyEdge_cmb.Value == "First Leg") vImageColumn = "Image1";
            if(Inputs.SafetyEdge_cmb.Value == "Last Leg") vImageColumn = "Image2";
            if(Inputs.SafetyEdge_cmb.Value == "Both Legs") vImageColumn = "ImageB";

            await Log("vImageColumn = " + vImageColumn);

            string vProfilePic = await PCLookUp.DataLookup("CFG-FLASH-PROFILE", vImageColumn, Inputs.Profile_cmb.Value);

            await Log("vProfilePic = " + vProfilePic);

            Inputs.Profile_pic.Value = vProfilePic;

hope this helps!

EDIT: should also add, there is a lookup table:

in each column there is the filename of the image


Since you’ve got a File Name / Path, I think the easy way would be to add a Document rule with the condition that Context.Entity = “JobHead” (executed when the job is created). In the document rule, pass your filename from Inputs.Profile_pic.Value to a UD field like JobHead.ProfilePic_c (or to a UserChar field you aren’t using.

Then you can add an image to the SSRS Job Traveler report, using the Image Source as External, and add the value of the UD field in the Expressions editor.


Thanks for this Kevin, will look into this in the coming days, found a UOM issue which we are trying to solve atm so takes priority over this!

will keep you posted and let you know how i get on!!!

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i have wrote the value to UserChar1 of the profile pic value (InternalImageB)

i then went into the report data definition, loaded up the data definition the SSRS is using. opened report style, checked for issues between RDD and SSRS, no issues were found.

then generated the SSRS for design and the UserChar1 field does not appear in the dataset…am i missing something really stupid and simple here?



Yep, you need to add that field to the DataSet fields if it isn’t already there. I’m not sure if there’s an easier way to do this, but what I do is:

  1. Open your report .rdl file in Report Builder
  2. Right click the DataSet that your field is in (In this case, JobHead), and open “DataSet Properties”


  1. Open the expression editor for the Query

  2. Add the field you want to the Select Statement. (In your case, T1.UserChar1,

  3. Hit “OK” on the Query Editor, then navigate to the Fields tab on DataSet Properties, and click “Add” > “Query Field”

  4. When you do that, it will have a new row for Field Name and Field Source. Just add “UserChar1” to both fields.


ok im now at the following:
textbox added and its getting the value!!

image added as per your instruction…
and i get nothing but a red cross…

image is available in image maintenance

textbox returning correct value

i also tried changing the ‘External’ for image source to Database and using the UserChar1 field and MIMI type as PNG but no joy still…

What’s the value there in UserChar1?

its the value next to the red cross ‘InternalAngleB’ so matches to me from what i can tell

I think for External you need the actual file path to the image on the server. So it needs to be something like C:\path\to\file.jpg

we are SaaS…i take it this complicates things a little!

or should i say cloud based.

do the images also need to be here as well as the image maintenance to pull?

SSRS to me is a dark art lol

Are these images available via url then? If not, you’re going to need a different approach.

not entirely sure, how would i check?..i know that sounds like a silly question but i would not have a clue what the string would be in front of the image name and extension

Do you have a web server serving them?

its an Epicor server, would it be the URL for my epicor instance?

This isn’t going to work then.

You’ll need to bring the images into the report itself.

You have a few options.

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Oof, yeah you might not be able to use External then. I’d have to think about that. Not sure how to grab one from Image maintenance.

How many images are there to choose from? You could embed all of them and select them with that field if there aren’t too many.