Insights 2024 EpiUsers Meetup - Nashville - Bavarian Bierhaus

I just looked, this is the only bike available.

bike bicycle GIF


maybe we should start a second post here on Epiusers called “Prior Insights Speakers & Entertainers” so that people can list the ones they remember…

Jay Leno
Jim Gaffigan
Flo Rida
Sheryl Crow
Frank Caliendo
Montgomery Gentry
Dana Carvey
Grand Ole Opry Concert (2013)
Train (2016)
Kelly Clarkson (2017)
One Republic (2022)
Jerry Seinfeld (2023)
Old Dominion (2024)

Lou Holtz
Jim Abbott - MLB Pitcher
Jack Welch CEO
Alan Greenspan
Howard Schultz
George Bush (jr)
Joe Montana (2013)
Condoleezza Rice (2016)
General (retired) David H. Petraeus (2017)
Giward Schultz (2019)
Marcus Lemonis (2021)
Mike Rowe (2022)
Billy Beane (2023)
Bear Grylls (2024)

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One Republic for 2022 Insights Entertainment

Montgomery Gentry
Sheryl Crow
Lou Holtz
Jim Abbott - MLB Pitcher
Dana Carvey
Jack Welch CEO GE

Frank Caliendo (impersonator) for the Epicor 9 launch

Not everybody’s cup of te…coffee: Howard Schultz but I liked him.

The special comedian, Himanshu. Does that count as entertainment?

FYI, I did create a comprehensive list of all the past Insights/Perspectives back through 1999 (My first Epicor Event way back when I attended as a customer) that includes the name of the entertainment, keynote speaker, location, and even the theme (if available).
You can find it here: Epicor Insights (USA) list of Speakers & Entertainment


Some other History

Before it was called Perspectives, the user group meeting was held in Las Vegas, and was called DUAL for Dataworks User ALiance. The last dual meeting was in 2001 in Orlando just after 9/11, so I didn’t go. I went to DUAL in Vegas as a customer and everyone got a “free” DUAL polo shirt.


I have some platnium install discs if anyone wants to install it in Nashville.

Yea, we had DUALing events after the merge of DataWorks and Platinum software (like the play on words?)…
Dataworks had the “DUAL” event (Dataworks User ALiance) and Platinum had “Perspectives”, and they seemed to always hold their event in Hawaii. DUAL had its last separate conference in Oct 2001, but it was officially named Perspectives (I have the powerpoint slides to prove it:

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997m Just in case we have some Metrified people. :slight_smile: Like me


As it’s completely flat and the distance is in meters also. I think I can make it. Not sure if I will do it by bike. Thanks for the offer😂

Metrified people are the best people!

Meanwhile over here…

Hmmm the old Matag Scale tried and tested, right up there with the knot and chain.

What UOM class is that?

It’s the Domestic Appliance Class

It comes with pre-build conversions between different appliances
1 Washing Machine = 3 Water Heaters

That scale is way off or you guys have small water heaters in Florida. I suppose you could have oversized washing machines. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:

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hahah… I have seen them say “large enough for a CAR”, or “A BUS”, or “five cars”… but never washing machines. It seems like an odd comparison.

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I always think industrial size washing machinies cause I worked for Laundry Lux as a consultant back in the day. Those suckers are HUGe

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Yuk :poop: … enough said!

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