Insights 2024 EpiUsers Meetup - Nashville - Bavarian Bierhaus

RE Entertainment and Keynote speaker… really looking forward to both. I enjoy the wide variety of people and groups we have had over the many years I have attended…

Hey, even last year at Insights in Australia (much smaller than US version), had a very funny comedy group who pretended to be workers at the hotel… They were dressed as food servers, and came up to give some “official announcements from the hotel” about the restrooms having a problem (at first, we didn’t know they were entertainers, but then it got weird/funny)… they came and went from the room while we ate dinner, and sang Italian opera, argued, made fun of each other, had a signing competition, etc… generally had lots of fun, and they were very talented singers & actors.

But MY favorite entertainment was in Las Vegas and was a “formal sit down dinner” where we had 90 minutes of Jay Leno.

I think my favorite (surprise) keynote was probably [Alan Greenspan] (Alan Greenspan - Wikipedia). I thought he would be boring, but turned out to be interesting and funny.


That was back when it was held at Cesar’s Palace IIRC. My favorites were the Orlando events at Universal and Disney World.

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I’ve been twice… the first time (2013 I think) I saw Joe Montana, then a couple of years ago it was Mike Rowe.

Tough to beat.

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I was there for the Alan Greenspan keynote, and actually was part of a group that got to meet and have breakfast. But my favorite Alan Greenspan story was when I got on the elevator and he was on it. He’s about average height but carried himself rather small - I think he stared at his shoes the entire ride. If I didn’t know who he was (at one time arguably the most powerful person in the world), I would have easily just wrote him off as one of those real technical guys who can’t carry on a conversation with the real world. Excellent keynote though that year, he turned it on when in front of a mic!


Yea, Mike was also a favorite… but I expected that!


Does anyone have a list of all prior Speakers and Entertainment?
That would be quite a list.

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RSVP +1 Looking forward to it.

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But seriously, if anyone doesn’t feel comfortable making the trek, let us know and I am sure someone will be available to walk with you. Most of us have good intentions.

Although some of us … not so sure.


I like to walk alone and contemplate life decisions :slight_smile:

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Sure Jan... GIF - Sure Jan Brady Bunch Marsha - Discover & Share GIFs

i also like to live dangerously austin powers GIF

RSVP +1. Looking forward to it.

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Wait - why would you not want to walk with us :slight_smile: Oh, right, you know we will want to pick your brain on all things while walking…

I’m going to say I’m coming – with a possible +1. I’ve been to Insights but not to one of these meetup’s (I still feel very new to Epicor even after 3 years). I come to this forum ALL THE TIME to look for answers to the things that elude me and almost always find what I need! It’ll be nice to say thanks to everyone in person!


from the back door of the Gaylord to the Bierhaus it is a 0.62 mile walk (according to Google Earth)… and nearly totally flat. (7 foot elevation gain coming back to the hotel).


Of course the “uphill” is after people get the free drinks :rofl:

Think of it as exercise to burn off the calories @Zerobertson.

I wont be there this year, as of now. Pretty bummed about it since I missed last year as well. Epicor’s convince your boss letter had no effect :smiling_face_with_tear:

Can I rent a bike :joy:?

Only if you promise to ride it after drinking.