Installed Epicor Version 10.2.600

Dear experts,

Epicor previous version is 10.2.300 and I have installed the 10.2.600 version. Now please let me know in the admin console we have to update the existing database and application or we have to create new one?

Did you go an read the update guide?

Going from 300 to 600 is pretty well lined up in the upgrade guide

EDIT - @Banderson - jinx!

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While logging to admin console Database server management window is not showing where we will import to latest version

When it says “if your current version is 10.1.500” it means the version you are trying to get to, NOT the version the database is currently.

The second line of your image - the deployment server - it is incorrect according to the instructions, if you are trying to get to 10.2.600.