Is it Possible

Just curious if its possible to download the entirety of the Help file without having to piecemeal it.

The help that runs when you chose “Application Help” in the client?

If you have access to the App server, you could copy the whole folder.

I’ll often get java script errors, so the help files may not run smoothly from a copy.

There are two zip files ( and in the folder
//\Epicor\ERP10\ERP10.1.400.0\SupplementalInstalls\Epicor Help

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Don’t forget the help files are also hosted so you can put that into the Epicor Help URL in your Company Maintenance.

Not as fast as running your own, but it’s one less thing.



All of the user guides are available in PDF form on epic web. Makes it easier to page through them just to discover new things if you don’t have anything specific you are looking for.

Here’s an example location for the application user guide. You need your epic web credentials to get it.

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Good Answers! Thanks!

I’ll admit there are some nice tidbits hidden in the help…EDI for example, not to mention the PDFs are in the help as well.

Help doesn’t run very fast from our server. And occasionally generates javascript, or page not found.