Job Entry Materials Added By Added ON

Thanks to hasokeric for pointing out the new fields in Part, CreatedBy and CreatedOn.

Does anyone have a method for tracking when Materials are Added to jobs? I can’t find similar fields in Part Entry: Added By Added ON.

This question comes up occasionally for us, “Why didn’t that get ordered?” “Someone added it late!” “Who?” Etc.

Many thanks for any ideas!

just thinking simplistic but tracking it on a change log may help but make create a log too big if always adding and removing parts.

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You can add a custom field(s) to populate when the material is added to the job. You would set that date on creation with a BPM. It’s probably easier that a change log in the long run.


I created 2 UD Fields on the JobMtl Table. One was called RequestedBy_c and the other was RequestDate_c. I then created 2 BPM Data Directives for the added row to set the UD Fields to: RequestedBy to CallContextClient.CurrentUserID and RequestDate to BPMFunc.Now(). When a new row is added it will look at the Current UserID and the Current date/time. Then you can create a query that will pull this information.