Job Get Details Operations DO NOT match Operations in the part method

Not sure if anyone has come across this issue. When creating a job in Job Entry using the Get Details option, Epicor returns 13 operations, however there is only one operation in the method.

The part has only one revision and the revision is approved.
We do not have any BPMs that run against Job Entry nor do we have any screen customizations.

Last night we ran the MRP Regen Process and when we look at the MRP jobs, they all have more operations than what is in their actual MOM.

I initially thought maybe our operation or resource group may have some how gotten corrupt. I created a new operation, resource group, resource, part number and revision. I started completely from scratch (I didn’t duplicate or copy/paste anything), created a job, used the Get Details function and still ended up with 9 operations when I should have only had one.

I created a support ticket for this yesterday, but haven’t gotten much help from support.

Anyone seen this or have any idea what might be going on?

Thank you in advance!

Are all the materials tied to the Op specified in the BOM? Or are some parts being shifted around?

Are the other 12 Ops consistent across new Jobs? In other words, is it the same 12 ops always being added?

If you make a job and get details from a Quote or an old job (one that had proper Mfg Dtl’s), does it add those 12 other ops in too?

I’m just throwing out things to look at to see if there’s a common thread, or if anything stands out.

Do you have some parts set as phantom that have Ops in them? this would cause the ops to add to the top level job.


I will check that out. Thank you!

@Craig Thank you so much, that was it!