Method Directive JobEntry.GetDetails Post-Processing refresh job data

I have created a Method Directive for JobEntry.GetDetails and it works great. However, when the process returns to the Job Entry screen, the new Job Details are there but the post-processing updated fields are empty. It’s not until I refresh the job that they are displayed.

Is there a way to refresh the job displayed in the BPM or would this be a exit function (customization) of the “Get Details” screen?

Thanks in advance for your advice,

After you save the record, you can load it back in (using the appropriate BO and GetByID)

Once you’ve got your record loaded, you can do something like:


Hi Chris,
Thanks for your suggestion! It works great! Here’s what I did:

Add an “Invoke BO Method” step to my JobEntry.GetDetails Post-Processing BPM:

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