A recent poll on this group showed that only a few companys (that responded to the poll) are using MRP, and of those that do, it hasn't seemed very effective. We just ran into another instance of MRP creating a job for a purchased part. Epicor is looking at it.
Besides working out some remaining bugs, we are still struggling to make it work for us. I have to say Epicor has offered to try to help us with it and has offered some workarounds, but there is very little flexibility in it to do what we need it to.
We would like to see the option of the MRP product separated from the Workcenter operations so that it will just look at our Sales Orders (or a Master Schedule), take a Manufacturing Lead time, and tell us what to order. After over a year with MRP our Materials manager still thinks it was easier doing it the way we did on 3.0 without MRP.
We're still working on it and doing a lot of manual labor in addition. As Alan mentioned, there is a good bit of maintenance to make it function cleanly so that you are not blown out of the water with suggestions and changes. One of our pet peaves in the past was that Vantage would tell you to cancel or postpone a Released Job, with is virtually impossible. Later they made a check box for you to check so that if you don't want Released Jobs changed, it will lock them out. This helps, but still requires you to 'double-check' everything to make sure you don't miss anything.
One of our Engineers is writing a program for us in Excel to take the Vantage Data and get the information that we need to see. We export the data nightly to .csv files and crunch it outside the system. We are using it as a double-check to make sure we're not missing anything in purchasing.
Let me know if you have more specific questions. We are an electronics company with many small parts on each Assembly with all the work being done by human beings, not machines. So a workcenter may have 5 people one day and 8 another day to make an assembly. Vantage MRP is tied pretty closely to workcenters and operations.
Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics
A recent poll on this group showed that only a few companys (that responded to the poll) are using MRP, and of those that do, it hasn't seemed very effective. We just ran into another instance of MRP creating a job for a purchased part. Epicor is looking at it.
Besides working out some remaining bugs, we are still struggling to make it work for us. I have to say Epicor has offered to try to help us with it and has offered some workarounds, but there is very little flexibility in it to do what we need it to.
We would like to see the option of the MRP product separated from the Workcenter operations so that it will just look at our Sales Orders (or a Master Schedule), take a Manufacturing Lead time, and tell us what to order. After over a year with MRP our Materials manager still thinks it was easier doing it the way we did on 3.0 without MRP.
We're still working on it and doing a lot of manual labor in addition. As Alan mentioned, there is a good bit of maintenance to make it function cleanly so that you are not blown out of the water with suggestions and changes. One of our pet peaves in the past was that Vantage would tell you to cancel or postpone a Released Job, with is virtually impossible. Later they made a check box for you to check so that if you don't want Released Jobs changed, it will lock them out. This helps, but still requires you to 'double-check' everything to make sure you don't miss anything.
One of our Engineers is writing a program for us in Excel to take the Vantage Data and get the information that we need to see. We export the data nightly to .csv files and crunch it outside the system. We are using it as a double-check to make sure we're not missing anything in purchasing.
Let me know if you have more specific questions. We are an electronics company with many small parts on each Assembly with all the work being done by human beings, not machines. So a workcenter may have 5 people one day and 8 another day to make an assembly. Vantage MRP is tied pretty closely to workcenters and operations.
Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics
----- Original Message -----
From: lptingley
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 2:40 PM
Subject: [Vantage] MRP 5.1
I know this has been discussed before, but I don't recall which
version. Is anybody using MRP with 5.1? Any known issues? Has it been
Les Tingley
Decorated Products
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