MRP Jobs are suddenly attaching themselves to orders. What made them do this?

So weve been running MRP for a year or so now and the girls who create the travelers have been disregarding the U jobs (our unfirmed jobs) and creating their own jobs sequentially. They have recently been calling me up asking why the U jobs are now attached to orders? We use the Order quantity on the traveler so the operators know when we’re short pieces throughout the process.(Example: OrderQty = 100 & ProdQty = 130) When the firmed jobs are added to the order though, this order quantity will increase, giving us a quantity that is sometimes double what the job is for.

What caused this sudden change?

Are you fulfilling orders from Inventory/Stock? Or using the Make To Order/Make Direct function?

If you have been using Inventory/Stock, it could be that some of the parts may have changed to non-stock which would drive a unfirm job linked to the sales order as a make direct.

Check out the sales order releases to see if the Make Direct flag is on. You can also see this on the unfirm jobs by checking the type of demand link.

Brad Boes