MRP Rough Cut Scheduling

MRP is taking well over 15 hours to run in live right now when running regenrative through 2017-02-01. I am looking for ways to speed up the process

Up until now we have not set a rough cut horizone value on our plant records. If you use rough cut scheduling, what value do you have on your plant record?

We are on 9.05.702.

Current processing options: Through 2017-02-01 - Regenerative

MRP and Scheduling logging level

Use production preparation buffer checked

Run the Multi level pegging process checked

Number of MRP processes and Schedulers are 3 each. - we have tried with higher numbers in the past and had problems getting MRP to finish.

Creates about 10,000+ unfirm jobs

Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

Kristine Fierce

Business Systems Analyst

Ag Leader Technology


Have you considered setting a finite horizon?

Also, how much optimization have you done on your app server and database? I know that we’ve achieved significant gains by optimizing.

MRP can crash the app server if you have more processes used than threads available in your process app server pool. This is configurable, so keep it in mind. Also, you’ll encounter diminishing returns if using more processes than your app server has processors.

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Can you please share what this optimization is that you speak of? How do a find out for sure how many processors my app server has available?