MRP is taking well over 15 hours to run in live right now when running regenrative through 2017-02-01. I am looking for ways to speed up the process
Up until now we have not set a rough cut horizone value on our plant records. If you use rough cut scheduling, what value do you have on your plant record?
We are on 9.05.702.
Current processing options: Through 2017-02-01 - Regenerative
MRP and Scheduling logging level
Use production preparation buffer checked
Run the Multi level pegging process checked
Number of MRP processes and Schedulers are 3 each. - we have tried with higher numbers in the past and had problems getting MRP to finish.
Creates about 10,000+ unfirm jobs
Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
Kristine Fierce
Business Systems Analyst
Ag Leader Technology