MtlTags report

In the MtlTags report. I would like to add barcode for the Item Qty. If I make a copy of the ItemQty and change the font as Dataworks Barcode, its appearing as barcode in the report but its not getting scanned.
I tried adding the field BCItemQty and updated the query as T1.BCItemQty. Tried mapping this newly added field, and I was not able to preview. It was throwing the mtltags dataset error.
When we viewed the Mtltags in the report data definition we are not able to find any fields in there. Help to solve this issue.


I believe you need to add an * to the beginning and end of the ItemQty field. Create a calculated field that adds an * around the ItemQty field. For an ItemQty of 6, the calculated field should result in *6*. In the barcode font you will not see the * in the human read display, but the scanner will see the beginning and end character.


This text will be hidden

Try converting the expression to a String.

Here are three things check off:

  1. Make sure to add a pre-amble and post-amble of an asterisks to the ItemQty field.
  2. Convert the number to a string i.e. “" & CStr(Fields!ItemQty.Value) & "”
  3. MANY barcode scanners are shipped with a default “Minimum Characters” property of 2. If you are scanning in a Quantity of 0 to 9 the Qty field may not scan. You can change the scanner minimum characters or “Pad” your qty field with zeros.


I find it a lot easier to create the bar-code fields in SQL. If you open the MtlTags Dataset, you can just add the following syntax and then add a Query field manually called BCItemQty (Note i can’t seem to add a star in this text pad so I will replace it with it’s character code.

=“SELECT CHAR(42)+CAST(T1.ItemQty AS VARCHAR)+CHAR(42) AS BCItemQty, T1.AsmSeq,T1.TagNum,T1.BCAsmSeq,T1.BCBinNum,T1.BCJobNum,T1.BCLotNum,T1.BCOprSeq,T1.BCPartNum,T1.BCWhseCode,T1.BinNum,T1.ItemQty,T1.JobNum,T1.LaborNote,T1.LotNum,T1.NCComment,T1.NonConfTranID,T1.OpCode,T1.OprSeq,T1.PartNum,T1.PartDesc,T1.POLine,T1.PONum,T1.PORel,T1.Reason,T1.ReasonDesc,T1.ResGrpID,T1.TagFormat,T1.TagTitle,T1.UM,T1.VendID,T1.VendName,T1.WhseCode,T1.QtyNum, T1.LegalNumber, T1.JobSeqType, T1.Revision, T1.BCPCID, T1.PCID, T1.DMRNum
FROM MtlTags_” + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T1"

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Appreciate everyone for helping me. Thanks!
Alex, I added the BCItemQty in the query field and updated the following syntax, when I previewed, it showed as below

I tried scanning the barcode, the scanner throws the below error.

You need to adapt for nulls, althought I didn’t think qty could be a null, just set the quantity is 0 if it’s a null

Thanks Alex. The problem is resolved.

DaveO. - The string given by you also works. I tested. Thank you!!
