New POLL on Epicor Ideas re: HOME PAGE

We are taking a quick poll on how you use the Home Page in Kinetic… trying to adjust this valuable home page to be more usable. Please review the poll, and place any comments in the poll so that our developers can see the comments.

Epicor Ideas POLL re: HOME PAGE

@timshuwy ,

Can you clarify what you mean by layer in the poll? Thanks!

Is it:

  1. The entire homepage area?
  2. The tabs?
    3. The groupings of tiles by function? << THIS IS WHAT THE POLL IS REFERRING TO
  3. Something else completely?

I’m with @amurdock on this one. The question isn’t very clear. Terminology is a pain…

Our company doesn’t use that yet, so no broken hearts here cause no one is attached yet.

But looking forward, I don’t think that an out of the box list of shortcuts is going to be all that helpful, as everyone (I’m thinking customers) is gonna have specific things that they want for specific roles. Role separation is going to be different for different companies, or even different plants in the same company.

One thing I will ask for though, is if IT can make specific layouts to apply to users accounts? New users need a “base layout” that usually comes from some other user that’s been in their specific role for a while and has what they need. Bonus points if we can mass apply with some selection criteria.


ok… so right now, the default home page has these groupings fro Supply/demand, etc… we are wanting to get rid of this, BUT still have ability for you to create your own homepage that is MUCH more flexible, including having your own sizing of the icons, your own groupings, your own dashboards, etc etc… but we want to eliminate the current groupings and shortcuts that we deliver with core product.

So something like this?

Arrested Development Flirt GIF


hahah… no, it will be much better than that! :safe_harbor: :safe_harbor: :safe_harbor: :safe_harbor: :safe_harbor:


I always deploy something as a starter for customers to give them an idea of what’s possible. This isn’t the best example as it was created quickly, probably 30 mins at most!


:safe_harbor: safe harbor and all… we are looking at possibly going down a line of:

multiple tabs on the page:

  • tab one MIGHT be a generic home page with links to education, announcements, etc
  • tab two might be a tab that System Admins can create and deploy to all or part of your user base (using Security groups or some other form of pointer). This could have standard shortcuts, dashboards, etc.
  • tab three might be a “personal” home page for a user to apply their own personal settings. This would also support standard shortcuts and dashboards.

But to do this, we would be :safe_harbor: “eliminating” the current concept of a standard home page as we currently deploy it.


I would go a different direction and have the first tab with training links.


I would be against changing it from the current format - it gives the most flexibility right now in terms of:

  • Each user can choose their own layout
  • Admin can centrally build and deploy layouts
  • Mix of shortcuts to apps, logos, text, EDD tiles

Why does it have to go away to build the new one - can’t the new “generic education link”, “admin portal” etc just be pre-built tabs that Epicor deploy and manage that users have the option to display?

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I’m with @markdamen at the moment. I don’t see the value in changing anything with it as described. That is all possible as it stands. I have a tab for daily work, a tab for fixing jobs if I’m needed, a tab for all BPM/BAQ kind of stuff, and a Solution/Export tab. A great fix would be getting the layouts to work properly though LOL


I agree with Mark in that I want all the same things: user control, Admin control, and a mix of widgets and tabs (if for no other reason, performance management of EDD widgets). I don’t care if you nuke this version of the Home Page in favor of a Home Page app as long as you maintain those properties outlined by Mark.

I wouldn’t dictate tabs though. Want to create a template? Sure. Let users decide what’s important to them.

What I’d like to emphasize in a Home Page is that it should be informational but also actionable. If there is a list of records that require attention, it should be quick to remediate the exception right from the home page or at least by sending the user to the correct app with the record loaded.

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I would like to see the ability to deploy specific layouts by groups or roles or assign them at the user level. Some way of deploying same look and feel common across all employees in a department or work unit. Same favorites too easier on trainers. It’s available as a user opted thing but not as an admin push that I am aware.


Always room for improvement but I’d like to see some mock ups of the concept you’re considering. I split up tabs into major categories: trackers we user, User/System administration items, and Entry forms are housed by separate tabs “Trackers”, “Administration”, “Entry”, etc.

So the poll is keep what you have or change to something . . .else ? Not sure how we are supposed to vote on that lol. At least show us what the change would be before asking our opinion?

I wanted to drop a couple of other more direct points about what we are thinking about on the ux platform and design team that led to our poll…

  • The out of the box homepage layouts esp. the default one which is just a handful of links to apps could be redesigned to have more useful content and generally just look a lot nicer.

  • Sharing content between users or as an admin to groups of users is clunky and confusing. Could use a revision or a new approach that is easier to manage and understand.

  • And we’re not asking for feedback on this point in this poll, but we’ll also likely adjust how the layout system works to address the common complaints about how things scale and respond.

ps. as for bugs all known homepage widget and layout bugs are planned to be fixed in 2024.1. Since we are beginning to deprecate the other homepage options we are doing an extra quality pass to the new one. We also added layout management to web homepage but it works as it does now with no new features.


I really hope so! We had to abandon the Kinetic Homepage in 2022.2.10 because of a bug where changing Sites intermittently does not work. Users would change sites in the Homepage setting but entry screens would sometimes open in the previous site. It was very disappointing at Go Live because we put a lot of effort into layouts and users were excited about it. Made IT look bad when we reverted back to Classic menu…

All of the following are true for me:

  1. I like the current home page
  2. I use it a lot
  3. I would not shed one tear if it all went away tomorrow
  4. I would probably be just as happy using favorites instead
  5. I would be fine with some other layout

Agreed the current defaults aren’t good UX design. Exporting/Importing layouts aren’t too bad once you know but a better way would be much appreciated.

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so far as i know, that’s not a known bug with home and i’ve recently reviewed all of them - i dont suppose you have a prb or case ref on that. Probably we just fixed it long ago but i’d like to know if not.