New UD Tables Required

Over the period, we have consumed a max of our UD tables, and I am afaraid that sooner, we will digest our remaining of UD tables. We don’t have SDK. Is there a way to create New UD Tables ?

Not without the SDK
I am a little flabbergasted that you would use all the tables there is a LOT of them

What are your guys using all those tables for :scream:

UD01 to 40
UD101 to UD 110

You have used all… my friend are u building any mini ERP… :innocent: :wink:

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Great People does Great Job Mr. Prash172 ! :grinning:
I enjoyed your comments though.

Thanks @josecgomez
There were many Customizations in Past and the UD tables were used blindly. However, I am controlling the residual !

I think If you use UD table for the category, use UD Codes for this. It’s really useful more than UD table. Use UD table for transaction entry only.

Thats True and yes we have a Big List of UD Codes already.

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What I use to do in order to minimise the use of UD tables is to fuse projects that require not many rows in a table (let say less than 10 000) and use one of the primary keys (key1) to discrimate between projects (key1 = “project1”, key1 = “project2”, etc).

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