Sure... that's what I did.
Lydia Coffman wrote:
Lydia Coffman wrote:
> Joe: In the meantime, can't you tell everyone that makes jobs NOT TO USE
> UF? We have standard prefixes that are acceptable here, and people have
> been told not to use anything else. This helps us with job tracking and
> even some reporting ("Job number begins RMA*).
> Just an idea.
> Lydia
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Konecny [mailto:jkonecn@...]
> Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 5:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Vantage] new v5 MRP bug!
> I have found out what is causing this problem. There is no
> error checking in the "run MRP" program that would check
> for an existing job of the same number that MRP is trying
> to create. We have a job numbered U99472 and MRP tries
> to create U0000000099472 and crashes. I had to change
> the unfirm prefix in MRP config to UF and it will run.
> This will be ok till someone inadvertently manually enters
> a job starting with UF. Then it will crash again.
> I suppose I'll need to request an "enhancement".
> Joe Konecny wrote:
> >
> > Here's a serious MRP bug that I found today. Epicor removed
> > the v4 feature that let you enter a job prefix when you run
> > MRP. If you want that feature you have to enter it in the
> > company config. Then it is set the same for every MRP run.
> > I don't like that but I can live with it. Problem is...
> > If you enter a prefix in the company config... MRP will
> > not run. We have a job number length of 6 set in job
> > management. MRP tries to assign the first job job number
> > U0000000099472. Then the next job it tries to assign the
> > same number and stops with an error message. "JobHead already
> > exists with company 'GMI' and jobnum 'U0000000099472'. The
> > only option is to not use the unfirm prefix in company config.
> >
> > Furthermore... there is a setting in MRP config called FIRM
> > prefix. Entering something here is supposed to be added to
> > any manually created job. This doesn't work at all.
> >
> > Version 5 has either not been through serious testing at
> > Epicor or it has and they pushed it out the door to meet
> > a deadline.
> >
> > I can't stress enough... Don't upgrade to v5 yet unless
> > you are willing to deal with loads of headaches.
> >
> >
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