Old Topic, Same question-Inventory turns

We went through all that years ago (in V8) and came to the same frustrating conclusion. We grouped ours by part class and were just interested in calculating turns for our raw inventory vs. purchase parts to stock. In the end it was an ODBC crystal report dump to excel and everything was done within there. With the revamp of BAQ structure and capability in 10 I may revisit this when we get around to upgrading.

Rob Bucek
Production Control Manager
PH: (715) 284-5376 ext 311
Mobile: (715)896-4832
FAX: (715)284-4084
(Click the logo to view our site)<http://www.dsmfg.com/>

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Len Hartka
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 4:27 PM
To: 'vantage@yahoogroups.com'
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Old Topic, Same question-Inventory turns

Good Day:

RE: How to calculate Inventory Turns

I am about to get more serious about tracking Inventory Turns and\or its evil twin Weeks/supply.

Basic calculation is simple. In words it is usage divided by inventory.
So if Usage 400 and inventory is 200 then Turns = 2. Usage=100 Inv =200 then Turns = .5
Formula: [Turns] = [Years’ Usage] / [Inv]
[WS ( weeks supply] = [Inv] / [a week’s usage]
For Inventory Turns:
1. Is the usage Independent (Sales lines), Dependent ( issued to JOB), sum of both.
2. Calculate based on Grand totals, or compute for each individual Part#, then ‘summarize” them into buckets.
Group on what? For the Group, do an average, just a % of count, usage range,
3. Are Values in Dollars or Counts? Theoretically makes no difference, but sometimes the cost is zero.
For usage value could use the PartTran:TransValue instead of [usage] * [ Cost]
4. Delete oddballs or assume there are always oddballs so ignore and just look for ‘trends” not absolute value.
5. Goal for Turns = 3 or 5 or 7 or 15. I think for a machinery maker it should be 3; but what about the spare parts end of the business; i.e. parts with ONLY independent usage. Goal for Turns = higher or lower?
60% of our Spare-Parts have a usage of 3per year or less. 80% of 6 per, year or less.
6. Include WIP in the inventory Value?
7. I get usage with a BAQ on the PartTran. What trans-Type ( see below) for each type:
Independent: STK-CUS, MFG-CUS

Field that indicates the type of transaction:
ADJ-CST - Adjustment to Stock Cost.---------XXX
ADJ-DEM - Adjustment to Demand Quantity. ------XXX
ADJ-MTL - Adjustment to Job Cost Material.-----------------------------DEP? Changing qty issued?
ADJ-PUR - Purchase Price variance (created by A/P inv---XXX
ADJ-QTY - Adjustment to Stock quantity. ------XXX
ADJ-SUB - Adjustment to Job Cost Subcontract.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant.
ASM-INS - Assembly to Inspection. .--------------------------------------DEP? Is it a type of STK-ASM transaction? Which is
actually Issuing matl to JOB????
DMR-MTL - DMR issue to job material.-----------------------------------DEP? Removing issued matl.
DMR-REJ - DMR to Returns. ------XXX
DMR-STK - DMR to stock----------XXXX
DMR-SUB - DMR to subcontract. .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant
INS-ASM - Inspection to Assembly.-----------------------------------------DEP?? Which is actually Issuing matl to JOB????
INS-DMR - Inspection to DMR. ------XXX
INS-MTL - Inspection to Material. .----------------------------------------DEP? Same as issuing MTL
INS-STK - Inspection to Stock. ------XXX
INS-REJ - Inspection to Reject. ------XXX
INS-SUB - Inspection to Job Subcontract. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant
MFG-CUS - Shipment of Manufacturing Job to customer.---------------------------------------------------IND ( but only machines?)
MFG-PLT - Manufacturing Receipt to Plant. ------XXX
MFG-STK - Manufacturing receipt to Stock. ------XXX
MFG-VEN - Shipment of Manufacturing Job to vendor.-----------------DEP?
MFG-VAR - Mfg Cost to Variance. ------------XXX
MFG-WIP - Manufacturing Receipt to Job.---------------------------------DEP
MTL-DMR - Job Material to DMR.-----------------------------------------DEP?
MTL-INS - Material to Inspection. .-----------------------------------------DEP?
PLT-ASM - Plant to Assembly. ------XXX
PLT-MTL - Plant to Material. ------XXX
PLT-STK - Plant to Stock. ------XXX
PUR-INS - Purchase receipt to Inspection. ------XXX
PUR-MTL - Purchase receipt to material.-----------------------------------DEP
PUR-STK - Purchase receipt to stock. ------XXX
PUR-SUB - Purchased receipt to Subcontract.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant
PUR-UKN - Purchased receipt to Unknown (not stock or Job). -XXX
RMA-INS - RMA Receipt to Inspection. .------------------------------------------------------------------------IND( negative shipment)
STK-ASM - Stock to Job assembly. .---------------------------------------DEP Which is actually Issuing matl to JOB?????
STK-CUS - Shipment of Stock to Customer. .--------------------------------------------------------------------IND
STK-DMR - Stock to DMR------XXX.
STK-INS - Stock to Inspection. ------XXX.
STK-MTL - Stock to Job material.---------------------------------------------DEP
STK-PLT - Stock to Plant. ------XXX.
STK-SRV - Stock to Service. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IND
STK-STK - Stock to Stock transfer. ------XXX.
STK-UKN - Stock to Unknown issue (miscellaneous issue)---------------DEP?????
SUB-DMR - Job Subcontract to DMR. .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant
SUB-INS - Subcontract to Inspection. .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant
SVG-STK - Salvage Material receipt to Stock. ------XXX.
WIP-MFG - Job to Job----------------------------------------------------------Duplicate? ( was used when issued in to WIP???)

Note: MTL-DMR replaced by MTL-INS, STK-DMR replaced by STK-INS. SUB-DMR not changed, SUB-INS was not implemented. MTL-DMR and STK-DMR are obsolete. However, code still references them for backward compatibility.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of rcarlson@...
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:56 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Old Topic, Same question-Inventory turns

Does anyone have a E9 BAQ or Dashboard to address Inventory turns? i know that the concept of an Inventory turn tool in V8 was impossible. Does anyone have an E9 tool that even sort-of works? if so, could I get a copy to use?

Thanks but not holding my breath.
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Does anyone have a E9 BAQ or Dashboard to address Inventory turns?  i know that the concept of an Inventory turn tool in V8 was impossible.  Does anyone have an E9 tool that even sort-of works?  if so, could I get a copy to use?

Thanks but not holding my breath.

Good Day:


RE: How to calculate Inventory Turns


            I am about to get more serious about tracking Inventory Turns and\or its evil twin Weeks/supply.


Basic calculation is simple. In words it is usage divided by inventory.

            So if Usage 400 and inventory is 200 then Turns = 2.      Usage=100 Inv =200 then  Turns = .5

                        Formula:      [Turns] = [Years’ Usage]  /  [Inv]

                                                [WS ( weeks supply] =  [Inv] / [a week’s usage]

For Inventory Turns:


1. Is the usage Independent (Sales lines), Dependent ( issued to JOB), sum of both.

2. Calculate based on Grand totals, or compute for each individual Part#, then ‘summarize” them into buckets.

            Group on what? For the Group, do an average, just a % of count, usage range,

3. Are Values in Dollars or Counts? Theoretically makes no difference, but sometimes the cost is zero.

            For usage value could use the PartTran:TransValue instead of [usage] * [ Cost]

4. Delete oddballs or assume there are always oddballs so ignore and just look for ‘trends” not absolute value.

5. Goal for Turns  = 3   or   5 or  7  or 15. I think for a machinery maker it should be 3; but what about the spare parts end of the business; i.e. parts with ONLY independent usage. Goal for Turns = higher or lower?

            60% of our Spare-Parts have a usage of 3per year or less. 80% of 6 per, year or less.

6. Include WIP in the inventory Value?

7. I get usage with a BAQ on the PartTran. What trans-Type  ( see below) for  each type:

            Independent: STK-CUS,  MFG-CUS               

            Dependent:  STK-MTL, INS-MTL, MTL-INS                      STK-ASM?  INS-ASM?  MFG-WIP?



Field that indicates the type of transaction:

ADJ-CST -  Adjustment to Stock Cost.---------XXX

ADJ-DEM - Adjustment to Demand Quantity. ------XXX

ADJ-MTL - Adjustment to Job Cost Material.-----------------------------DEP? Changing qty issued?

ADJ-PUR - Purchase Price variance (created by A/P inv---XXX

ADJ-QTY - Adjustment to Stock quantity. ------XXX

ADJ-SUB - Adjustment to Job Cost Subcontract.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant.

ASM-INS - Assembly to Inspection. .--------------------------------------DEP? Is it a type of STK-ASM transaction? Which is

                                                                                                                                    actually Issuing matl to JOB????

DMR-MTL - DMR issue to job material.-----------------------------------DEP? Removing issued matl.

DMR-REJ - DMR to Returns. ------XXX

DMR-STK - DMR to stock----------XXXX

DMR-SUB - DMR to subcontract. .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant

INS-ASM - Inspection to Assembly.-----------------------------------------DEP?? Which is actually Issuing matl to JOB????

INS-DMR - Inspection to DMR. ------XXX

INS-MTL - Inspection to Material. .----------------------------------------DEP? Same as issuing MTL

INS-STK - Inspection to Stock. ------XXX

INS-REJ - Inspection to Reject. ------XXX

INS-SUB - Inspection to Job Subcontract. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant

MFG-CUS - Shipment of Manufacturing Job to customer.---------------------------------------------------IND ( but only machines?)

MFG-PLT - Manufacturing Receipt to Plant. ------XXX

MFG-STK - Manufacturing receipt to Stock. ------XXX

MFG-VEN - Shipment of Manufacturing Job to vendor.-----------------DEP?

MFG-VAR - Mfg Cost to Variance. ------------XXX

MFG-WIP - Manufacturing Receipt to Job.---------------------------------DEP

MTL-DMR - Job Material to DMR.-----------------------------------------DEP?

MTL-INS - Material to Inspection. .-----------------------------------------DEP?

PLT-ASM - Plant to Assembly. ------XXX

PLT-MTL - Plant to Material. ------XXX

PLT-STK - Plant to Stock. ------XXX

PUR-INS - Purchase receipt to Inspection. ------XXX

PUR-MTL - Purchase receipt to material.-----------------------------------DEP

PUR-STK - Purchase receipt to stock. ------XXX

PUR-SUB - Purchased receipt to Subcontract.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant

PUR-UKN - Purchased receipt to Unknown (not stock or Job). -XXX

RMA-INS - RMA Receipt to Inspection. .------------------------------------------------------------------------IND( negative shipment)

STK-ASM - Stock to Job assembly. .---------------------------------------DEP Which is actually Issuing matl to JOB?????

STK-CUS - Shipment of Stock to Customer. .--------------------------------------------------------------------IND

STK-DMR - Stock to DMR------XXX.

STK-INS - Stock to Inspection. ------XXX.

STK-MTL - Stock to Job material.---------------------------------------------DEP

STK-PLT - Stock to Plant. ------XXX.

STK-SRV - Stock to Service. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IND

STK-STK  - Stock to Stock transfer. ------XXX.

STK-UKN - Stock to Unknown issue (miscellaneous issue)---------------DEP?????

SUB-DMR - Job Subcontract to DMR. .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant

SUB-INS - Subcontract to Inspection. .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant

SVG-STK - Salvage Material receipt to Stock. ------XXX.

WIP-MFG - Job to Job----------------------------------------------------------Duplicate? ( was used when issued in to WIP???)


Note: MTL-DMR replaced by MTL-INS,  STK-DMR replaced by STK-INS. SUB-DMR not changed, SUB-INS was not implemented. MTL-DMR and STK-DMR are obsolete. However, code still references them for backward compatibility.





From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of rcarlson@...
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:56 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Old Topic, Same question-Inventory turns



Does anyone have a E9 BAQ or Dashboard to address Inventory turns?  i know that the concept of an Inventory turn tool in V8 was impossible.  Does anyone have an E9 tool that even sort-of works?  if so, could I get a copy to use?


Thanks but not holding my breath.

This e-mail and any attachments may contain proprietary and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail or at 410-472-2900 and then delete the message without using, disseminating, or copying this message or any portion thereof. With e-mail communications you are urged to protect against viruses.

This e-mail and any attachments may contain proprietary and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail or at 410-472-2900 and then delete the message without using, disseminating, or copying this message or any portion thereof. With e-mail communications you are urged to protect against viruses.
Hi Len,

Good to hear from you again.

You raise valid points but in the end, the opening logic is the starting point.  It seems odd that Epicor cannot come up with a "Turns" report while most other ERP's can.  

Personally I think that Epicor simply won't address the need for a set of fields and calculations upon which to base the turns calculation.....in part for the reasons you cite.

I know turns can be calculated in Excel using E9 data but yet it is impossible to construct a turns dashboard in E9.

Very frustrating,

best regards, Bob Carlson.