Rob Bucek
Production Control Manager
PH: (715) 284-5376 ext 311
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From: [] On Behalf Of Len Hartka
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 4:27 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Old Topic, Same question-Inventory turns
Good Day:
RE: How to calculate Inventory Turns
I am about to get more serious about tracking Inventory Turns and\or its evil twin Weeks/supply.
Basic calculation is simple. In words it is usage divided by inventory.
So if Usage 400 and inventory is 200 then Turns = 2. Usage=100 Inv =200 then Turns = .5
Formula: [Turns] = [Years’ Usage] / [Inv]
[WS ( weeks supply] = [Inv] / [a week’s usage]
For Inventory Turns:
1. Is the usage Independent (Sales lines), Dependent ( issued to JOB), sum of both.
2. Calculate based on Grand totals, or compute for each individual Part#, then ‘summarize†them into buckets.
Group on what? For the Group, do an average, just a % of count, usage range,
3. Are Values in Dollars or Counts? Theoretically makes no difference, but sometimes the cost is zero.
For usage value could use the PartTran:TransValue instead of [usage] * [ Cost]
4. Delete oddballs or assume there are always oddballs so ignore and just look for ‘trends†not absolute value.
5. Goal for Turns = 3 or 5 or 7 or 15. I think for a machinery maker it should be 3; but what about the spare parts end of the business; i.e. parts with ONLY independent usage. Goal for Turns = higher or lower?
60% of our Spare-Parts have a usage of 3per year or less. 80% of 6 per, year or less.
6. Include WIP in the inventory Value?
7. I get usage with a BAQ on the PartTran. What trans-Type ( see below) for each type:
Independent: STK-CUS, MFG-CUS
Field that indicates the type of transaction:
ADJ-CST - Adjustment to Stock Cost.---------XXX
ADJ-DEM - Adjustment to Demand Quantity. ------XXX
ADJ-MTL - Adjustment to Job Cost Material.-----------------------------DEP? Changing qty issued?
ADJ-PUR - Purchase Price variance (created by A/P inv---XXX
ADJ-QTY - Adjustment to Stock quantity. ------XXX
ADJ-SUB - Adjustment to Job Cost Subcontract.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant.
ASM-INS - Assembly to Inspection. .--------------------------------------DEP? Is it a type of STK-ASM transaction? Which is
actually Issuing matl to JOB????
DMR-MTL - DMR issue to job material.-----------------------------------DEP? Removing issued matl.
DMR-REJ - DMR to Returns. ------XXX
DMR-STK - DMR to stock----------XXXX
DMR-SUB - DMR to subcontract. .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant
INS-ASM - Inspection to Assembly.-----------------------------------------DEP?? Which is actually Issuing matl to JOB????
INS-DMR - Inspection to DMR. ------XXX
INS-MTL - Inspection to Material. .----------------------------------------DEP? Same as issuing MTL
INS-STK - Inspection to Stock. ------XXX
INS-REJ - Inspection to Reject. ------XXX
INS-SUB - Inspection to Job Subcontract. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant
MFG-CUS - Shipment of Manufacturing Job to customer.---------------------------------------------------IND ( but only machines?)
MFG-PLT - Manufacturing Receipt to Plant. ------XXX
MFG-STK - Manufacturing receipt to Stock. ------XXX
MFG-VEN - Shipment of Manufacturing Job to vendor.-----------------DEP?
MFG-VAR - Mfg Cost to Variance. ------------XXX
MFG-WIP - Manufacturing Receipt to Job.---------------------------------DEP
MTL-DMR - Job Material to DMR.-----------------------------------------DEP?
MTL-INS - Material to Inspection. .-----------------------------------------DEP?
PLT-ASM - Plant to Assembly. ------XXX
PLT-MTL - Plant to Material. ------XXX
PLT-STK - Plant to Stock. ------XXX
PUR-INS - Purchase receipt to Inspection. ------XXX
PUR-MTL - Purchase receipt to material.-----------------------------------DEP
PUR-STK - Purchase receipt to stock. ------XXX
PUR-SUB - Purchased receipt to Subcontract.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant
PUR-UKN - Purchased receipt to Unknown (not stock or Job). -XXX
RMA-INS - RMA Receipt to Inspection. .------------------------------------------------------------------------IND( negative shipment)
STK-ASM - Stock to Job assembly. .---------------------------------------DEP Which is actually Issuing matl to JOB?????
STK-CUS - Shipment of Stock to Customer. .--------------------------------------------------------------------IND
STK-DMR - Stock to DMR------XXX.
STK-INS - Stock to Inspection. ------XXX.
STK-MTL - Stock to Job material.---------------------------------------------DEP
STK-PLT - Stock to Plant. ------XXX.
STK-SRV - Stock to Service. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IND
STK-STK - Stock to Stock transfer. ------XXX.
STK-UKN - Stock to Unknown issue (miscellaneous issue)---------------DEP?????
SUB-DMR - Job Subcontract to DMR. .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant
SUB-INS - Subcontract to Inspection. .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outplant
SVG-STK - Salvage Material receipt to Stock. ------XXX.
WIP-MFG - Job to Job----------------------------------------------------------Duplicate? ( was used when issued in to WIP???)
Note: MTL-DMR replaced by MTL-INS, STK-DMR replaced by STK-INS. SUB-DMR not changed, SUB-INS was not implemented. MTL-DMR and STK-DMR are obsolete. However, code still references them for backward compatibility.
From: [] On Behalf Of rcarlson@...
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:56 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Old Topic, Same question-Inventory turns
Does anyone have a E9 BAQ or Dashboard to address Inventory turns? i know that the concept of an Inventory turn tool in V8 was impossible. Does anyone have an E9 tool that even sort-of works? if so, could I get a copy to use?
Thanks but not holding my breath.
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