Our supplier is changing their system and we need to adapt. I work for a boat manufacture and I buy engines. The engine, transom plate, and drive are all individual part numbers with serial numbers assigned to them by the manufacture and they all need to be tracked and put on our boat invoices.
The supplier is now going to have the engine and transom plate as one part number in their system, and we want to use their kit part number in our BOMs, however, when the kit is received into E-10, it needs to be able to have two serial numbers, one for the engine, one for the transom.
I think you’ll want to keep doing it the way you are (with two separate P/N’s). Make the vendor work for you.
Think of it this way… If you has a sales kit that had the parts a customer wanted, but they needed them listed individually, you’d change the Sales Kit to show components on your docs (quotes, orders, packers, invoices, etc…).
If you really want to purchase it as a single P/N and receive it that way. You may have to make a job to “dissassemble” it into it’s two components. With one of them being a “recovered” part from the scrap.
PURKIT-001 would be a purchased part consisting of the two parts from the supplier. No serial tracking
ENG-001 and TRPLT-001 are your current part numbers
Create a job to make ENG-001:
PURKIT-001 is the only material required
TRPLT-001 is recovered from the “scrap”
And I’m not even sure that you can assign S/N’s to the recovered parts
The supplier is a large engine manufacturer and as much as I continue to remind them that I am the customer…it just doesn’t seem to take. I appreciate the information.
How would they handle a return? Would they require getting both an engine and a transom plate back?
Can you purchase them separate? What if you damaged a transom plate, and needed another? Would they expect you to scrap the engine that came with the original TP?
They do not require them to be returned as a kit if one part is defective. This is only for original purchases. The two pieces are packaged together and that is why they are requesting this change. I currently have all 3 components listed on my PO and in my BOM as separate part numbers. I have to tell them which transom to package with which engine. They now want to create a kit number that I will order, versus the separate part numbers.
If PPV wasn’t a concern, you could still purchase the individual parts, engine and transom, and receive both to inventory, recording the serial number for each during receipt. Create a supplier part number for the engine using their kit part number so they see their part with the full PO price as Line 1. Line 2 would be the transom at $0 price. If that confuses your supplier, then you have other options: (1) print the PO before adding Line 2, or (2) create a separate PO for the transom, or (3) customize your PO form to suppress the printing of Line 2.