One partnum to represent multiples of another?

At our local (virtual) Comtec EUG yesterday, Mary Cronin suggested I try using a UOM Class of ‘OTHER’ for the sales kit parent. It worked!

I created the UOM Class 'OTHER, and added UOM conversion’s of EA (Each, default), FT (Foot), and RL (Roll).


I was able sell, fulfill, and ship a sales kit where the parent UOM was OTHER:ROLL and kit component was LENGTH:FT (300 units of feet for the raw shade material).

Since UOM’s are so unforgiving after a transaction is made, does this setup make sense? One last check before I set this up in LIVE, and DMT 40 new parts.

@ckrusen - Your how-to post showed using the ‘OTHER’ class to make conversions. I tried deleting the “FT” in OTHER, but Epicor thinks there is inventory (the only part in the OTHER class is my sales kit parent, which has no inventory, and is a UOM of “ROLL”). I’m in our test environment, so no biggie. I’ll set them up with 1:1 conversions too, and make it part specific if needed later.

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