I’ve been ask to make a custom report and one of the fields they want is the on hand quantity from a year prior, it should be the same as using stock status with the as of date.
Does anyone know how to easily calculate this?
I’ve been ask to make a custom report and one of the fields they want is the on hand quantity from a year prior, it should be the same as using stock status with the as of date.
Does anyone know how to easily calculate this?
PartTran only way (not easy)
I made one. Just need to sum up all the part trans from the beginning of time, until the desired date.
Gets tricky because the tranQty isn’t really signed. Whether the transaction adds or subtracts, is determined by the TranType
And hopefully you don’t have a mix of nettable and non-nettable bins…
How would I answer, “What was the SSR on date mm/dd/yyyy?” ??
I’d go into my email archives and retrieve the one from that date. I have the SSR scheduled to email me every single day, and an outlook rule to file them away.
That way the cost is captured too (SSR does not handle cost changes that happened after the SSR date)
I thought the SSR gave you the value of inventory as of the date you choose.
I missed this too. Seems that’s just one aspect of the report.
I was doing the summing from my sql statement. I believe I figured out what I have wrong, I was adding the ADJ-QTY when I should have been subtracting those transactions. Below is the filter for the TransType.
I summed and added this to the current OnHandQty.
Then I subtracted these from the above total.
ADJ-QTY can be positive or negative. as can STK-MTL, PUR-STK, etc. So watch out for that too.