Part Complexity

Anyone out there have a good way to determine the complexity of part that you build? Does Epicor already inherently do this?

As part of our quality system, I am looking for a way to determine the “complexity” of parts we build. We track the number of times our Production folks have to stop due to an “unknown outcome” in our build processes. I would like to understand given the complexity of the part they are building if the number of unknown outcomes is is high or outside the range of acceptable.

For our purposes and to keep it simple as a starting point, I could define complexity as: Number of Operations Performed on a Part as opportunities for an error. Obviously within operations the number could be infinite, so this is merely a way to determine the complexity within our parts universe. But if a part has 10 operations, it is potentially a more complex build process than a part that has 1. This is a simple starting point and it gets much more complex as we work through the BOM and layer manufactured parts within manufactured parts.

Appreciate constructive thoughts or creative solutions!

I have done similar trying to rank risk or complexity, it’s not perfect. My thought process would be to list the parts in a BAQ follow by a whole series of sub baq’s one for: adding up all operations, all subcontract operations, DMRs, Down Time Codes occurrences, returns, shipments outside the US, long lead time materials or any other tables of value.
Each bringing back a number or dollar value, then adding up the numbers for a total for each part. This would need to be done for a time frame of your liking. Ranking parts by complexity, risk, difficulty for your company.