PartTran BAQ: Calculating the "Running Total" of the History Tracker


Make a CalcField SignedTranQty with expression

    when PartTran.TranType IN ('STK-ASM', 'STK-CUS', 'STK-INS', 'STK-KIT', 'STK-FAM', 'STK-MTL', 'STK-PLT', 'STK-STK', 'STK-UKN', 'STK-DMR') then -1 
    when PartTran.TranType IN ('ADJ-CST', 'ADJ-QTY', 'AST-STK', 'DMR-STK', 'INS-STK', 'MFG-STK', 'PLT-STK', 'PUR-STK', 'STK-STK', 'SVG-STK')  then 1 
    else 0
end) * PartTran.TranQty

Then another Calc field RunningQOH with the expression

SUM(SignedTranQty) OVER (Order By PartTran.TranNum)


You don’t need to select the GroupBy box on the other fields like you would with a plain SUM() function.