Passing values to app-open tile

Show me what you put for your Launch Options.

I also typed in the value wrong on my last post. I had extra periods. It should have been:


After your form launches, press F12 to open Dev Tools, then press CTRL+ALT+8 to enable debugging.
In the console, type epDebug.context and hit enter.
Do you see your values?

How To: Debugging Kinetic (Browser) - Experts’ Corner - Epicor User Help Forum (

The value Param1 looks like it is being passed correctly. When I put


for the value on my row update event, the page stops working. I appreciate all the help you are giving me!

Are you putting it in the “Value” or the “Expression” field?
Try the other one.

I am using the “Value” field. I was trying to follow your example above.

We are on version 2022.2.15 if that makes any difference.

On a side note, do you know how or where in Kinetic to export your customizations so they can be imported into a different database?

I’m fairly new to customizing Kinetic and some of their online documentation does not coincide with what I see in the program.

Again, thank you for taking the time to look at this!

first time GIF


Thanks for the link to the thread.

Hi @hmwillett ,
I am new to Epicor Could you please let me know the steps?

I am able to open the app but am unable to update the row.

In the above dashboard, I want to click on a case, no and the case entry screen is required with the clicked case no. If you please explain the steps it will be highly appreciated. Thanks


Searching around the forum, I’ve been able to work out the Launch Options for passing information from one form to the other, but my issue is when there are no launch options i.e. form opened directly.

I’ve tried checking - session.context.initialValueIn.contextValue for null / “” (empty string or undefined but none of them seem to work for checking that no launch params have been passed.

I must be missing thing, any able to advise.


Thanks Hannah

Hi Hannah,

When I test what you have done above within the form it takes the false route no errors. When I test via the calling program I get an error - function body [object Object] thrown exception SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier ‘Object’?

Any ideas?


May I see how you’re passing the data in the app-open widget?

If you’re using ValueIn, change that to be: %session.context.initialValueIn.valueIn%


What’s your event trigger on the receiving app?

Form load


Depending on the screen, Form_onLoad may not have the context values initialized yet. You might try an event more downstream.

Yes after. Its on the rma processing screen.

Change your condition expression to this:

context && context.initialValueIn && context.initialValueIn.contextValue