Planning workbench suggestion to postpone jobs by one day

Our Planning Workbench gives us a lot of suggestions to postpone jobs. When we look at the details, the parts are needed to ship on 1 day, the job is set to finish on the previous day. (if it were the same day, the job could finish on 2nd shift)
Where in the system can I tell it that finishing 1 or 2 days early is OK?

Should be able to set a “Grace period” both early and late in company configuration

Production Tab \ Job

In Part Class maintenance, on the Site/Detail tab, you can set the Reschedule Time Out Delta and Reschedule Time In Delta to prevent MRP from making suggestions within that time frame.

In Company Config > Modules > Production > Detail, I adjusted the Early Grace period from 0 to 2. But it didn’t make any changes to the suggestions. (I ran ‘Generate Production Activity Process’, ‘Production Planning Process’ ‘Planning Workbench Job Process’, and ‘MRP’. Nothing changed.
In Part Class Maintenance, I also change the ‘Reschedule In Time Delta’ from 0 to 2. Again, no changes.
Maybe there’s another process that I need to run? (I would think that MRP would be enough)
I’m going to run a full regen of MRP to see if it does anything.

Also, for what it’s worth, I’m seeing the system suggesting that I postpone a job that’s due 5/4, because the parts don’t need to ship until the 5th. That was last week!
I’ve got a call going with Epicor Tech Support, but I haven’t heard anything yet…

Ran a full MRP Regen - no change in the results.

Try adding a receive time of 1 day; Part > Sites > Planning

Beth, sorry, but that didn’t help either. Maybe it’s not retro-active?
Maybe non of these settings are retroactive.
I’ll need to set aside some time to try these 3 suggestions individually, and in combination with a new job.
I really appreciate everyone’s assistance here.