Please fix site CSS for high resolution screens

Literally pasted your css in without the prefix stuff

That’s original to the site I didn’t change anything else except added your code.

This is the entire content of the modification / component.

Since its affecting other things I’m turning it off for now.

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What’s abnormal? I just added one component changed nothing else. (Screen shot of what you are seeing , also do a hard refresh)

I think your extensions are messing with you that’s not at all what it looks like for me. I cannot over-write any CSS since its an independent component, and it has now been turned off so everything is back to how it was this morning.

5 posts were split to a new topic: My thumb got stuck

Oh weird, it looks like I’m stuck in mobile mode… Hang on…

EDIT: LOL yeah somehow when I tried mobile mode that was linked before it got “remembered”… I had to add /?mobile_view=0 and now it’s back to normal. So I guess what I thought was abnormal before was because of this. Same reason @Evan_Purdy started seeing scrollbars too!

I did just test I can expand the post itself to right around 90% of this middle section without much effect. I can try that without changing anything else.

Just made this change

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Also for code related issues you can always click to expand and that gives a full view of the code byitself

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A post was merged into an existing topic: My thumb got stuck

Or, you can just put it back to normal and I’ll keep using Stylus… :smiley:

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I think this is a fair compromise for now :slight_smile:


And you fixed my half-screen margins, too. Thank you.

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You know, 20 minutes ago I came here to research something relevant to my job. What happened?

BTW throw us a bone and don’t turn that on on this site. We do minimal banners but it helps keep the lights on :wink:


You wasted an hour of @josecgomez s life… (he likes to jump into rabbit holes more than Alice does)

Just because you asked nicely, I’ll add the site to the white-list… :wink:

Yeah this looks pretty good to me

Why the dumpsterfire @Aaron_Moreng did we break something? :joy:

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