Quantity Per Parent

We’re wondering if there is a way to set the quantity per parent as breaks kind of like a price list. The relationship for some of our parts is not strictly linear. Has anyone had this problem where they need different qty per parent values based on Job Qty?

I don’t think there is a built-in way to do this. However, you could try setting up a method directive to trigger when the job qty is updated. You would have to put all your logic in the BPM, but it should be doable.
For example, on Job Qty update, if the Job Qty >= 10, then Qty/Parent = 2. And if Job Qty >=100, then qty/parent = 1. This way you can make up to ten parts an only need two of these materials per part, but if you make 100 parts, then there is enough leftover material that you only need 1 material per part.
You will need to run a trace to verify the method that changes the job qty. Then setup your method directive on that method.
Good luck!