Quote Current Stage

Can someone explain where I can find the answer to…
What determines the Current Stage of a Quote. The field description says:

Describe the type of Quote this is.
LEAD = Lead
OPPO = Opportunity
QUOT = Quote
But I can’t figure out how the value is determined. When does a Lead become an opportunity?

Thanks for the help

I believe when you Quote.

That is controlled through the tasks. When you create the workflows and tasks, you set what stage each task is and as they get completed and move onto the next task the stage will change.


Very helpful. Thanks

Hi @jkane I’m currently setting up a task set for our quotes. Is it possible to add more stages to a CRM task set? I can only see the 3 mentioned earlier, and when looking in ‘Workflow Stage entry’ I can create new CRM stages. Only Case Management and ECO?

Welcome @Josh_Hudson !

You cannot add any in a conventional way. You could probably use an updateable BAQ to force some records int he table where they are. I am not sure what table those fields are in. You could check the main table or they are in a system table.

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Hi @jkane, no problem I’m not going to doing anything which isn’t out of the box right away I just wanted just check I wasn’t missing anything. Thanks for the response further down our journey with Epicor we might look to do something like that!