Terminal server is a cheaper solution, and can work well. But, for larger
remote access needs, Citrix is faster, more secure, and has some cool
features that Terminal server does not. For instance, Citrix packets are
smaller and more compact than Terminal server, so they take up less
bandwidth. Definitely a consideration when having limited bandwidth or many
remote users.
Bottom line, if you get into several people accessing remotely using the
same "pipe" or over the internet versus direct dial-up, Citrix can be a
better solution. If it is somewhat a simple remote access solution that is
needed, Terminal Server can work just fine.
Rick Lane
Intelligent Systems Integration, Inc.
661 B Weber Drive
Wadsworth, OH 44281
Phone: 330-335-5291
"Helping Business Make Intelligent Use of Technology"
remote access needs, Citrix is faster, more secure, and has some cool
features that Terminal server does not. For instance, Citrix packets are
smaller and more compact than Terminal server, so they take up less
bandwidth. Definitely a consideration when having limited bandwidth or many
remote users.
Bottom line, if you get into several people accessing remotely using the
same "pipe" or over the internet versus direct dial-up, Citrix can be a
better solution. If it is somewhat a simple remote access solution that is
needed, Terminal Server can work just fine.
Rick Lane
Intelligent Systems Integration, Inc.
661 B Weber Drive
Wadsworth, OH 44281
Phone: 330-335-5291
"Helping Business Make Intelligent Use of Technology"