Replace Row Value in Dashboard

Is it possible to replace the shown value on a dashboard grid with another?
Example: Column “Name”, Row “Fred” replace with “Frederick”

I don’t want to change the database just the output that is displayed in the grid.

@kylepbsps yes, a couple of ways.

Make the baq updatable and on post processing of getlist you can make the change to the inbound data.

Use case in a calculated field.

I’m stuck on the UBAQ with post processing so im trying another way. =) I have another thread open for that.

I know that you can highlight row or field based on their value with customization. Hoping there was something similar i could piggy back on.

Is there a reason you can’t use a calculated field in the underlying BAQ?

@kylepbsps This code in getlist is all you would need. depending on how many you are doing the case might be better than an if.

foreach (var ttr in ttResults)

  if(ttr.Name == "Fred")

		ttr.Name = "Fredrick";
		case "Fred"
			ttr.Name = "Fredrick";

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Thanks, if I get this working I believe I can make it work for my REAL problem in the other thread =P. Sorry for double posting.