RMA Processing when not at fault E9.05.603

I am wondering if there is a better way to handle RMAs that come in but are not actually our problem. We give out an RMA number, they send the parts back but after inspection we determine the customer caused the issue in their shop. If we have already received the part onto the RMA I don’t see a way to disposition the RMA as not needed. Our work around is to not receive the part until we determine that we are at fault. That way we can just close the RMA as rejected. Is this the best way?


In a recent client project, the process used was to receive the RMA and then disposition it to “Fail” with a Reason of “Fail - Return to Customer”. This maintains visibility of the item, plus you can later report on how many RMAs turned out to not be your fault so you can improve the process (i.e. training for customer service or enhanced instructions/FAQs for the customer).

Hope this helps,


Hi Melissa,

We disposition the RMA part to a job linked to a sales order. If the customer is responsible for any type of payment, eg. inspection fee, freight, etc. it can get charged on order, shipped, and invoiced. If we’re responsible, the order line is coded as warranty, and same thing, we do a job, ship it and make zero dollar invoice.
