Standard Cost change over time

I need to report on changes to the standard cost of a part over time. I looked at PartTran table for the part shown in the image below and I can find the value in MtlUnitCost field. Looking at all the PartTran rows for this part, I can see the MtlUnitCost changing over time. But, I cannot find a specific transaction that shows the change. I just want to report the costs changes when the occur. Any ideas on which TranType I should be looking at or am I looking at this the wrong way?

If you know your only changed once a year, you could just Group By the year of TranDate and MtlUnitCost.

The cost changes happen many times per year without any regularity. I think I have what I need, filter by part number and TransType = ‘STK-MTL’. The select the oldest date for each different cost.



That will show you the date of change, who changed it etc.

It does one entry per warehouse/bin/part combo.

We save it off in our data warehouse when we do our year end cost roll and partition it by year.

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