Thank you for the input, it was very helpful.
From: [] On Behalf Of cooner_55421
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 4:20 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Suggestions
I only remember V8 but maybe this will help.
I think it is only MRP that creates the unfirm jobs?
Unfirm jobs do show up in Time Phase
Then the PO suggestions.
Stock - To Inventory
For me it depends on the type of activity I'm looking at.
OK - parts with high volume, lots of quantities & transactions
Not so OK - large volumes of parts/sub-components with low quantities & transactions.
I don't really notice much from 8 to 9 (but, I haven't gone looking either).
From: [] On Behalf Of cooner_55421
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 4:20 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Suggestions
I only remember V8 but maybe this will help.
>First, will assemblies show in time phase?Assemblies as in Jobs?
I think it is only MRP that creates the unfirm jobs?
Unfirm jobs do show up in Time Phase
Then the PO suggestions.
>option of ordering for inventoryNonStock - to the Job
>or ordering for the job
Stock - To Inventory
>usability of time phase.This is a hard one & I'd expect a lot of different opinions.
For me it depends on the type of activity I'm looking at.
OK - parts with high volume, lots of quantities & transactions
Not so OK - large volumes of parts/sub-components with low quantities & transactions.
>6 through vantage 9I think the biggest jump was from 6 to 8.
I don't really notice much from 8 to 9 (but, I haven't gone looking either).
--- In<>, Paul Smith <psmith@...> wrote:
> We are currently using vantage 6 and are trying to implement suggestions for material ordering. Couple of questions. First, will assemblies show in time phase? Second, when material shows up in suggestions do you have the option of ordering for inventory or ordering for the job or are you forced to order the material to inventory. From those currently using suggestions how do you feel the program works and what is the difference between vantage 6 through vantage 9 in reference to the usability of time phase. Thanks in advance.
> Paul Smith
> Inventory Management
> 233 Ballston Ave
> Saratoga Springs NY, 12866
> 518-245-4358
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