I am try to look into using the projects in Epicor more and am testing time entry. I would like to see if you can enter time to a project without a job but I am getting this error.
I tried to add a job (and click engineered and released) to the project as well but get the same error. Also tried with Approvals Required on and off in site configuration.
We are on E9 and to be honest I have never tried just having a project with no phases. I was under the understanding that the job on the time entry related to the job on the phase. I also thought that the job number on the timesheet form was not populated until you selected a phase and operation. So at a minimum you need one phase with one phase job operation.
Simon is correct.
For labor capture, you need at least one WBS phase and you need to use the “Create WBS Phase Job” functionality on the WBS Phase table.
This will create a job of type Project. I do not believe linking a Manufacturing job to the Phase will be enough. If your intention is to use a manufacturing job, that is tied to the phase, then you would do a standard Production labor entry instead of a Project time entry.
We have spent a lot of time getting the project management and project billing setup for Time and Materials and Milestone billing. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Epicor Applications Manager
DIRECT: 508.597.1392 x1625 | MOBILE: 774.826.9245
Ok i have managed to setup a WBS phase job and book some time to it. The time shows up in the project costs tab after I run the build project analysis. Next questions is what do i need to configure to get the labour costs to post to the GL?
I looked at GL controls on the project and the cos/wip GL control for the company but i must be missing somethere…
Turns out the thing i was missing was the review journal…it is 4pm on Friday
I had the GL controls set up wrong so the transaction went to the review journal. Once i set the right accounts on the GL controls it was all happy. Posting to the GL now.