Tracking numbers in 5.1

Well if anyone has looked at 5.1 in depth you'll discover this wonderful
feature for tracking shipments via the web. The tracking number is taken
from the Pro Number entered in the BOL header. This tracking number is
established when the shipped status is checked on the packing slip. Our
problem is we do not have a Pronumber until the next morning after the
shipments have been picked up. We need to mark the packing slip shipped so
we can bill that afternoon. Now I realize technically we should not bill
until we are sure the parts have shipped and therefore we can enter the
Pronumber and then mark the packing slip as shipped, but guess what... We
don't do it that way. I have raised this issue and Mark Pladson it appears
is not interested in changing this from what I get from Tech support. So to
make a long story short, I'd like to update the tracking number field in the
SHipHdr table with the Pronumber field in the BOLHdr table using a Progress
program. I have provision but am rusty as all get out. Anyone done something
like this. I believe I can do this through procedure editor but I believe I
need to declare a lot of default variables and what not. I do have a test
database I can try this so any suggestions would be appreciated. I would run
this procedure once a day to update the fields.