UBAQ and BAQ Export Process

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Read conflicting reports, in 10.2 are UBAQ method directives such as GetList executed during a BAQ Export process? My custom code in GetList wont run if set asynchronously during a BAQ Export.

As far as I know, that type of code is only run from a deployed dashboard (unless you you code to call it directly).

Appears In 10.2 GetList is called during BAQ Export Process, stumbling block is when code is added to create new lines in an Ice table. Throws an error if code is run synchronously, perhaps Using statement might be causing issues releasing resources. Any ideas?

Oddly In 10.1.400 same code runs synchronously!! Clicking GetList within UBAQ executes code and works well using either of these :

Insert(newrow) … DbValidate()…Complete()
using tablesets and passing DS and update method.

Neither work when BAQ Export process is scheduled.