UD fields in Exports (BAQ) table

I’m having trouble finding a way to update the UD fields in the Exports table where BAQ info is stored. (We’re on 9.05.701.)

The BAQ Designer Form can’t be customized so I can’t get to the UD fields by that route. I tried an updateable BAQ on the Exports table, but can’t map the fields to the BO fields. Exports has the UD fields available, but the BO is for ttDynamicQuery where there are no UD fields available. I tried using Advanced BPM Processing to sneak the update thru, but couldn’t get that to work either. I didn’t get any errors, messages displayed showed expected values, but the UD fields didn’t update.

Does anyone know if I’m attempting the impossible? My only other idea is to link a UD table to the Exports table and see if I can update one of those fields.


Are trying to update the UDF during the creation of the exports record, or update it after it is created?

I’m trying to update it after it’s been created.

I used ABCCode.Update as the method in my example, but, it doesn’t really matter which one is used if you plan on changing the UD value after the record is created. In my example I used sysrowid as part of the where clause to make sure I only updated one record - but that could be anything as well (probably exportid).

for first exports where sysrowid =‘c5288ad8-edb8-d298-df11-69bf881b6370’ exclusive-lock.
if avail exports then do:
assign checkbox05 = true.

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Thank you VERY much! Once I used “for first” instead of “find first” and “exclusive-lock” instead of “no-lock” I was able to update the dang checkbox. :blush: (Brain cramp…I’d been staring at it way too long!) I’m going to have a much better weekend without any “What if I did this…” thoughts running thru my head.

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